Subject: Friend, what you should know about TTO. IMPORTANT


The opportunity presented to me was a
"pre-launch" allowing no cost pre-enrollments.

The target market was other people already
attempting to work from home

And, best of all, no one had heard of it yet.

This created a perfect storm for momentum,
and I took advantage of it... just like you can
take advantage of a very similar situation
right now. You all created your FREE account and saw just how quickly
this had grown over a short periods of time. The best thing about this is
it will continue to grow. You now have the chance to become a paid
member and get all the benefits of Payplan 2 if your not able to recruit.
Most people never have the opportunity to
ride a wave like this one... a wave that will
put you on the map, so-to-speak.

I'm going to make this very easy and simply list
out a few key factors that will absolutely
produce results like you've never experienced
before --- and I don't say that lightly.

1. Timing - this is fresh. People are starving
for something new and something different.
(most likely thats you) it most certainly is me.

What does this mean? It means you have
until the 4th of Feb to to become a paid member and get spillover .

With 1/3 of that growth I saw life changing results.
Once the momentum starts it really is nearly
like riding a wave.

Large commission pay outs -
you'll have the opportunity to view a full
presentation explaining everything

The perfect target market - this is designed
to help anyone in anyone form of online
business, and it is highly effective at
doing so.

No more talking to friends and family
(unless you want to)

Secure your spot asap

To Your Success,

Michael Bell