Subject: Friend This is making me money quickly


I have made over $130 on a 50 dollar investment and the best

part is, i will continue to make money month in and month out

for years to come with out ever doing any thing else.

Read a portion of the email i got from admin: Please read ===>

It literally PAYS to Promote folks.

This is absolutely prime-time to promote Ultimate, as all other
'established' programs have been up and running for a bit now, and we are
still the FASTEST pre-paid cycler out there - PERIOD!

Look at the stats, with only 1100 ACTIVE members, we have managed to
cycle out 555 members ALL levels, a stat that is unmatched in this industry!

To ensure the ongoing success of UAC, make NO mistake, we MUST use
the next 15 days to promote no matter what, because unless we get a
good membership base, we will be back to square 1 3 month down the
track - That's a fact!

Those of you that wanted to join via the Mini Cycler, well, I have some
very good news for you:
Use the next 2 weeks to go full bore to help us promote, EVERY member
that purchases a position, will give you an instant $3 upfront bonus, do
this 10 times, there's a quick $30 for you, add a little bit yourself or top up
your account balance and you set for the ride of your life!

If you simply can not afford the $55 needed in total, hey there's still the
option of the Mini Position:
How that all works you can find out by clicking the 'Mini Position
Explained' link in your members area!

I have already implemented the all new matrices and started to test the
system by taking out a subscription myself to make sure the system does
what it supposed to.
Over the next few days I will finish all accounts re adding your sub
balance to the cash balance so we have as much buying power as possible,
come April 15!!

I have done all I can, now it's up to you guys to put your money where your
mouth is :)
After all: You're here to earn some money, right??

Thought so, thanks for your awesome support and lets make this the BEST
pre-paid program on the planet!
83 Positions needed, to cycle 1 person out of ALL levels - I rest my case.

I cant believe your still reading, GOOOOOOO =====>

See you inside,