Subject: Big YouTube Sept 25th change and how it affects YOU!

Big YouTube Sept 25th change and how it affects YOU!


September 25th Youtube is making the massive change that can be devastating for everybody who sells or generates leads with videos, but I have solutions for you :)

Here is a cut from YouTube announcement: 

“Following the change, the channel avatar and video title will always display before playback begins [cut] The avatar being displayed is new behavior that will be consistent across all embedded players. These changes will become effective on or after September 25, 2018”

Do you realize how dreadful it is for sales and leads generating videos, especially in combination with Chrome and Safari no longer auto-playing videos with audio?

It means that your videos will have initial look and feel of cats & dogs or other entertainment videos if not autoplayed, so nobody will take you seriously, and it will make you look like amateur on top.

The initial look and feel sets the mindset for the rest of a video, and the last thing you want the viewer to do is to subconsciously expect entertainment instead sales or leads generation video.

Businesses spend hundreds of dollar over and over again just on video intro for a reason.

There is a huge intro animations industry, there are massively popular apps focusing on making intros, and there are tens of thousands of freelancers making those video intros.

It is because marketing is all about perception and mindset, which is set in a first few seconds on the video.

Big perception blow on the begging of the video can kill engagement and dramatically lower sales or leads generated by the video.

The only solution to not have that cat & dog funny video look & feel, and set the right mindset from the start, is to have video autoplay working across all the browsers.

When the video is autoplayed, that dreadful mindset and perception destroyer - channel avatar and title, will not appear because the video is already playing!

Explaindio Player fixes all that for you.

Check out the bonus page here

You already no longer can just copy/paste a youtube video with audio to your website and have it autoplay in those browsers.

It means that without Explaindio Player you are stuck with either deadly on-hold video (and a funny look after Sept 25th) or you autoplay a muted video with prospects losing the most important initial part of the video’s audio before they click unmute.

It does not have to be that way anymore!

Explaindio Player smart autoplay engine restarts a playing video from the start after the viewer clicks the big “enable audio” button placed on the video, plus it autoplays unmuted video instantly on browsers which still autoplay videos with audio.

The best part?

All you need to do is enable autoplay with just 1-click and then Explaindio Player will do all the magic behind the scenes.

So no matter which video player you are using now, if it does not support autoplay with audio from the beginning in Chrome and Safari, make sure to switch to ExplaidioPlayer before September 25th!

Watch the demo now

Bonus Page


WAIT, THERE IS MORE BAD NEWS about Sept 25th (ExplaindioPlayer comes to the rescue)

Here is a cut from YouTube announcements: 

”The effect of the change is that you will not be able to disable related videos.”

It other words, when the viewer pauses a video, the related videos will appear not matter what. From September 25th it would no longer be possible to disable that.

So after Sept 25th, the viewer will be just 1 click away from leaving your sales or lead pages to watch another youtube video, which means that you are 1 click away from losing a sale or a lead.

The ExplaindioPlayer fixes that problem by allowing you to place an image or animated GIF on top of video while the video is paused.

You also get bonus DFY 100 animated “Play Me” call to action video overlays to place on top of a video while it is paused.

 Special Ends In

To Your Success,

Michael Bell

P.S. Also inside the member area you will discover simple but very effective tip how to very easily combat the 2nd dreadful YouTube Sept 25th change.

This tip is so powerful that without it entrepreneurs and marketers may lose a lot of money.