Subject: Better Than Youtube!


THW Global is in pre-launch until July 4. This is a FREE program and
you never pay any fees to earn.

International advertising giant needs over fifty thousands people over the
age of 21 to invest up to 10 hours weekly giving comments on
commercials, TV pilot programs, movie trailers, video surveys and so
much more. Over 90% can be done from any smart phone or computer
anytime / anywhere 24/7. From the comfort of your home or on the road.

It's YouTube in reverse. At YouTube they pay out mega millions to
people who get high traffic of people coming to their posting. THW
Global does just the opposite by paying millions to the viewers who
watch content not place content. There is no fee or gimmicks to start
working with our company. This is a Global offer so if you know anyone
anywhere pass this message on to them. In fact when you register with
THW Global you will get a welcome letter with a personal URL in case
you wish to recommend others to work with us. THW Global will reward
you up to $5 for every person who earns up to $25 an hour that you
personally recommended. This means if someone you recommended
worked 10 hours they would earn up to $250 and you would earn up to
$50. and this goes on for as long as the person you recommended
works with THW Global. See even more incentives below. Advertising
is the 4th largest global industry.

THW Global needs over 50,000 IVs which stands for International
Viewers. They also need people from every race and language. This
will be a Billion $ Division in this $650 Billion Dollar Industry. So if you
know anyone who would also like to do this. As long as they are over
21 with a HS Diploma send this to them. You will be rewarded for doing
so by receiving $5 for every $25 they earn.

Everyone that joins after you is placed in a company wide binary. This
is building fast so you need to create your account early.


If you have any questions, please email me at attn: THW Global

Yours Kindly,
Michael Bell
Maryland Marketing Solutions