Subject: Access To My New Software Platform

Hi Friend

I loved this software so much, I joined the company!

BuilderAll has a built-in email list
manager and auto responder, plus tools
for SEO reporting and floating videos.
No hosting required, no WordPress, and
24/7 chat support for the rare
circumstances when you'd have a

Sounds amazing right.

See More here

So What is it all about?

So I’ve answered some of the top ones for you here:

1) Is BuilderAll for real?

Yes. Thousands of pages are currently
running on BuilderAll. The creator of
BuilderAll is running over 200 lead
capture, video, and sales pages, plus
complete membership websites and an iOS
app, all on BuilderAll. And so will

2) How can BuilderAll be such a low
monthly price? And how long before the
price is raised for me?

BuilderAll is currently running a special offer
introductory price and if you take advantage
of this special offer the price will NEVER be raised for you.
You will be grandfathered
in at this price for as long as you
continue. With such a great price, you'll want to stay
permanently once you've seen how
complete, yet so easy, BuilderAll is. (Over 95% of people do!)

3) I'm no artist, what if I have zero
design skills?

That doesn't matter. BuilderAll's
interface is total WYSIWYG (what you
see is what you get) drag and drop. If
you don't feel comfortable starting
from scratch, then pick one of
BuilderAll's 1,000+ included (for free!) templates and start
from there.

4) Can BuilderAll really replace my costly

ABSOLUTELY! You get a full featured
autoresponder with a guaranteed 98%
delivery rate fully integrated into the
platform. You can manage up to 10,000
leads and have a fully responsive drag
& drop email builder at your disposal.
This would cost around $165/month with
a service like GetResponse, but YOU you get it
included in your grandfathered special offer price of less
than a dollar a day!

5) What does BuilderAll's Facebook
integration do?

You can directly integrate
notifications, intelligent posts and
apps into Facebook fan pages. This lets
you collect lead and create lists,
while building relationships with
potential and existing customers.

6) Are pages built with BuilderAll SEO

OF COURSE! With BuilderAll's SEO reporting tool,
you have all the information you need
to make your page optimized, greatly
improving your page rank. This allows
easy optimization of your keywords,
teaching you to do it the right way.
You'll see the necessary corrections
for your website to be among the first
organic results in the search engines.

7) How does BuilderAll compare with

None of the pagebuilding platforms and
services out there have anywhere near
BuilderAll's feature set. Pricewise, Wix
doesn't have a price level giving you
unlimited pages on unlimited domains.
You'll pay $79/month for LeadPages and
$97/month for ClickFunnels, just to
build pages. Nobody comes close.
BuilderAll gives it all to you at a
small percentage of their price!

So there you go, it all adds up to one

BuilderAll is the essential
one-stop-shop platform for online
business. You can

+ Build practically anything you need
+ Market via email
+ Do it easily and quickly with a
simple drag & drop interface

And you get it for less than a dollar per day.

You owe it to your business,
your bank account, and your sanity to
give BuilderAll a try.

But hurry, this
deal is ONLY around for a few days and the price will
be increasing as soon as the timer on this page runs out

Until Later

Michael Bell