Subject: A Quick Thank You For Joining

Welcome to my online newsletter

Thanks again for joining my newsletter. I'm going to make sure
you get going online in the right direction. I'll be sending
newsletters covering a variety of topics all centered around you
making money online.

Working from home online is so worth it and anyone can do it.
You just have to know what steps to take and stay committed and
focused. I'll do my best to make sure you take the right steps,
just make sure to stay subscribed and take action.

With some dedication, focus and direction you can take this
online adventure you're about to take and turn it into a full
time income.

We'll be talking about subjects like hosting, ftp, list
building, autoresponders, blogging etc so please make sure to
save all the emails you get from me and go over them and review
any sites I recommend.

Now, just so you know..I won't be able to cover every topic in
detail with just one email so please note you'll have to put in
some extra work by researching each topic more in depth via the
sites I recommend. So, let's get going, now that we've got you
ready for success.

If you are ready to get started then i suggest you start here. This
is the best starting point to generate an income with out traffic or
a web site period.