Subject: 30 dollar off coupon inside, This is crazy simple.

Hi Friend,

As an email marketer, you already know one of the big keys to growing your lists and your business…

You need to have a lot of landing pages. The more lead magnets and lead pages you have saturating your market, the faster you’ll grow your list and your profits.

That’s just math 101, right?

More lead pages + more targeted traffic = more subscribers = more profits.

Problem is, creating all these lead pages yourself takes a lot of time. Even if you’re super-experienced and fast, 20 minutes here and there adds up quick. There are a lot better things you could be doing with your time.

And then there’s another problem with the DIY method…

Your lead pages might suck.

No one wants to hear that. It’s even harder to admit. When you pour your heart and soul into something, you’d hate to think you didn’t do a good job.

But you know what?

There’s no shame in admitting you may not be the world’s best lead-page designer. You’re a damn good list builder and that’s what matters.

So, maybe you’re toying with the idea of outsourcing all these lead pages. Maybe you’re already doing it. Either way, you know what the issue is…


Yep, it’s expensive. A good designer is worth their weight in gold, but they can sure blow a hole in your budget pretty quick.

Bottom line? Most list-builders either spend way too much time or way too much money creating lead pages.

The good news is there’s a much better way, and it’s called PageDyno.

PageDyno is a lead-page creation app that lets anyone quickly and easily create high-converting lead pages in about three minutes.

No coding required. No design skills needed. With just a couple clicks of your mouse, you can churn out beautiful lead pages that look like a high-priced designer created them!

But don’t take my word for it – check out the really cool demos here with video backgrounds, animated forms and more:

Click here to claim your $30 Discount

Michael Bell

P.S. No one will believe you created your lead pages in less than three minutes. Try it out today, and I guarantee you’ll never go back to outsourcing or doing it yourself!

Try it risk free here:

Click here for access

Check it out now before the price jumps!

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