Subject: New Adult Classes + New Instructors!

Fall Adult Classes

Studio member and instructor Carolyn Mimbs does a class demo. 

Classes through October are up on our website and include new offerings:  Majolica DecorationMonoprinting on Clay, Mold-Making (Intro and Intermediate), Cobalt Decoration, and Dinnerware Flair.  We also want to welcome new instructors Nicole Rene Woodard and Sunyoung Park who are also new resident artists.  Crane Yard Clay store manager Joseph Hutchins is crossing over to the studio side to teach mold-making classes, too.  Sign up today for a new or favorite class taught by long-time or new instructors who have a range of experience and expertise. 


Kids Classes

Summer Art Campers created a city with parks and districts and a mayor this summer.  Photo by Abby Callahan.

Art Camp and Teen Experience may be over for the summer, but we continue to have classes for kids and teens on Sundays.  Check out our website for class times and details and sign up today. 


Safety measures:

Following the reinstatement of the mask mandate issued on July 28 by the City of Kansas City, MO, Belger Arts requires that visitors, employees and studio members wear a mask. Disposable masks and hand sanitizer are available.  We’ll continue to check City of Kansas City, MO mandates and CDC guidelines, so please visit the “Updates” page of our website for updated safety measures. 

Information about all exhibitions, classes, and programs, is also available on our website.

Follow us to stay updated!


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