Subject: First Friday, September 6 at Belger Arts

Free Glassblowing Demo at the Belger Glass Annex

Katie Hogan (left) with Emily Potter (right), the newest member of the Belger Glass Annex team. Photo by Belger Arts.

Glassblowing demonstration - September 6, from 6 to 8 pm

Belger Glass Annex, 1219 E. 19th St., KCMO

First Friday glassblowing demos are back! Watch the Belger Glass Annex team create a molten glass masterpiece! A new work of art is created every First Friday. This is a free event and there's plenty of free parking.

Meet Momoko Usami at the

Belger Crane Yard Gallery

Left: Momoko Usami. Image courtesy of the artist. Right: Momoko Usami, Medicine Box (Sheep), 2024. Cone 6 Porcelain, mirror bend, and copper. Photo by Belger Arts.

Free First Friday Reception - September 6, from 6 to 8 pm

Artist remarks at 6:30 pm

Belger Crane Yard Gallery, 2011 Tracy Ave., KCMO

Meet the artist and explore her creations up close!

Many of Momoko Usami’s ceramic artworks are interactive, inviting the viewer to scroll, slide, or open them to reveal a new aspect or perspective. She states, “My role as an artist is to enrich a person’s everyday life by being able to touch and feel my work, and by discovering fresh views through it.”

Usami received a BFA and MFA from Kyoto City University of Art in Kyoto, Japan. She currently works out of her personal studio in rural Missouri near Kansas City where she teaches small art classes for the community.

Usami’s work is available for purchase online and at the Belger Crane Yard Gallery through September 28, 2024.

New Mug of the Month

September Mug of the Month artist Joseph Rincones thinks of clay as a poetic material that ". . . possesses the ability to look soft but be extremely hard or look hard yet feel extremely soft.” His elegant mugs, reminiscent of tufted fabrics, exemplify this. 

Rincones was born and raised in Southeast Kansas where he was introduced to clay at Garden City Community College. He received a BFA in ceramics from Wichita State University and is based in Wichita where he is an active member of the ceramics community, teaching classes at Derby Rec Center and City Arts.

Purchase his mugs online or at the Belger Crane Yard Gallery through September 30. 

Closing soon at the

Belger Crane Yard Gallery

Passing Moments: Belger Arts’ Eleventh Annual Resident Exhibition closes September 7 at the Belger Crane Yard GalleryThe exhibition includes work by Joel Pisowicz, Gina Pisto, and Logan Reynolds and is the culmination of their artist residencies at the Belger Crane Yard Studios

The past year has been one of growth and change for the artists and the exhibition is a reflection of the “passing moments” experienced during this pivotal time in their careers. The artists explore nostalgia, memorial, and how objects present a view into the past. 

Joel Pisowicz, Logan Reynolds, and several of their fellow resident artists for the 2024-2025 residency term will be in attendance on First Friday, September 6, from 6 to 8 pm.

Passing Moments was recently mentioned in These are the 6 Kansas City art exhibits you need to explore this summer by KCUR reporter Xiao daCunha.

Artists from across the country were invited to create interpretations of the goblet form for Brimming: Belger Arts Goblet Invitational. The exhibition includes a variety of media, approaches, and styles--from the most pristine representation of the form to the most out-of-the-box design.

Stop by the gallery to view over 50 ceramics, glass, and mixed media works, and vote for your favorite goblet. The People's Choice Award will be announced First Friday, October 4.

On View at the

Belger Arts Center

Whispers and Screams: Voices from the Belger Collection at the Belger Arts Center (2100 Walnut St., KCMO) includes work by artists who explore memories and moments in time. Some of those memories are loud and jarring, while others are more reflective and have softened with the passage of time. There are examples of stereotypes, idealized love, lust, romance, excitement, loss, and regret. These works are glimpses into the complexity of communities at all levels, highligthting both their commonalities and differences. 


The exhibition is on view through October 5, 2024. To schedule a tour for this or any Belger Arts exhibition please email or call 816-474-7316.

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