Subject: The UNCHANGING principles of making money online...

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Have you heard of Dan Kennedy? 

He's a legendary marketer and entrepreneur...

I was watching an old video of his the other day and he drove home an important point:

Tools always change

Tactics occasionally change

Strategies rarely change.

...But Principles NEVER change.

When I heard it, I couldn't stop thinking about how this applies to making money online.

Will the fancy new auto-responder help you build your business?


It will.


But it won't be around forever.


Give it three or six months and it will be replaced with another software that's either faster, cheaper or better at something else.


So why focus on the tools?


According to Dan, you're much better served if you focus on Principles.


Remember, principles never change.


So what are the PRINCIPLES I look for in a way to make money online?


1. Able to work from anywhere


2. Costs at least some money to get you started (stay away from free)


3. Easy to set up


4. Gives a money back guarantee


Yes, they're basic.


That's why I call them unchanged principles.


And if the business opportunity you're in follows them, you're on a path of greatness.




But if what you're doing doesn't provide you with those guiding principles?


Prepare for your income to CRIPPLE.


And if you feel like you're in that boat, I have good news for ya...

There's an easy way to turn that around.

Check it out here



Les Nisbett

More from Les


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