Subject: The Non-Designers $46 Billion Dollar Secret Weapon FREE PDF!

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We Love sharing quality content, something people can use. This FREE PDF shows you the secret weapon that may be all you need to push your marketing efforts forward into profits.

…How much are you currently spending on graphics and design?

How long does it take?

How long for the back and forth revisions?

Do you do them yourself or do you hire a freelancer?

How much money have you spent on graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Canva and others?

How much time and money have you wasted hiring and then firing incompetent graphic designers?How much mental energy have you drained chasing after freelancers?

How often do you need graphics for your landing pages, sales pages, websites, blogs, videos, social posts and how long does it take?

How often do you need graphics for your lead magnets like reports, PDFs, and eBooks?

Okay. OKAY! I get it.

I’m not a designer either, nor am I a technical person.

However, I have a non-stop supply of graphics that I can use for my business.

Did you know a staggering 94% of customers will leave a website with a poor design?

Do you know the implication of the 94% leaving your website because of fugly graphics?

You are left with 6% of people to sell to and let’s face it, not all of them will buy!

So let’s say 100 website visitors. Immediately, 94 of them will leave.

You are left with 6 potential customers, and if the average conversion online is 2%, that doesn’t even equal a full human being!

That’s one-tenth of a customer and you’re unknowingly losing 94 out of every 100 because you’re not getting attention like the lady in red.

Why am I telling you this?

If you want to get more attention to get more sales…  

You need powerful graphics!

There are no ifs or buts about it.

Graphics make a significant impact on getting, and converting your audience into paying customers.

Which is why...

FACT: 86% of marketers have at least one visual in 81% of their blogs.

FACT: 62% of marketers use visuals for their landing pages and blogs.

FACT: 68% of marketers are increasing the use of visuals.

These numbers are massive!

Everyone is investing in graphic designs to boost their engagement, sign-ups, clicks, leads, and sales. Do you see the potential danger of not having great graphics?

You will enjoy this free report....$46 Billion Dollar Secret Weapon

It doesn’t matter what business you're in.

You’re going to need stunning logos, boxshots, covers, reports, digital mockups, product bundles, graphics, and much more on demand for beautiful products and stunning web pages that convert like crazy.

To our Success,


More from Les

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 and business examples in our content represent exceptional results, which do not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. For any implementation of our advice in your own business, follow the Federal Trade Commission regulations made available at This email may contain affiliate links meaning that we may earn a commission from you purchasing any products we may recommend. 

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