Subject: Aweber vs GetResponse? Why not Both?

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Aweber vs GetResponse

We are trained to compare things all the time. The idea is to find the best thing for the situation, which makes logical sense to do that. As you investigate into affiliate marketing or take a course you will find the need for an autoresponder. Your budget will often dictate which one to take it did mine at first. You can start for free but the paid versions have so many benefits you will want to get them when you can.

After having tried most of them I lean toward GetResponse as it handles everything now in one place, you even get a website. But on the other hand why not have more than one? I do, I have both Aweber and GetResponse with different list on each one. The upgraded versions are @ $20 and worth it if you can afford it.

Here is the link to a side by side comparison if you want or need to see that. I'm sharing it instead of copying it, they did a good job. Side by Side...

There are some good deals this time of year so I would check them out...



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How much are you currently spending on graphics and design?

How long does it take?

How long for the back and forth revisions?

Do you do them yourself or do you hire a freelancer?

How much money have you spent on graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator,

InDesign, Canva and others?

How much time and money have you wasted hiring and then firing incompetent graphic designers?

How much mental energy have you drained chasing after freelancers?

How often do you need graphics for your landing pages, sales pages, websites, blogs, videos, social

posts and how long does it take?

How often do you need graphics for your lead magnets like reports, PDFs, and eBooks?

  • Visuals are processed 560,000 x faster in the brain than text.

  • The Brain processes visual cues in 250 milliseconds.

  • 90%of information that comes to the brain is visual.

Lets look at both the top platforms, why not have both? I use Canva and ClickDesigns

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I know what it is like to be overwhelmed and not know how to get started. I took courses and found the Magic of Affiliate Marketing...

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Taking this course will clear things up for you.

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