Subject: What Will They Try Next? Planned Chaos by the MSM/Dems/DS

What Will They Try Next? Planned Chaos by the MSM/Dems/DS

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Here We Go! Just Sign it Q+ - Did POTUS Confirm Our Mil Intel Source, Q? - Great Video

REPORTER: John Rolls: This whole thing was planned, from the killing of a black man to the bussing of protestors. What are the odds that the white policeman and the black man that he killed both worked security at the same bar? Notice the “32″ on the police car in the Floyd video. More visible symbols… signature is clear.

Click here to see, "Here We Go! Just Sign it Q+ - Did POTUS Confirm Our Mil Intel Source, Q? - Great Video"


REPORTER: Lisa Haven: Something doesn’t smell quite right with these George Floyd riots breaking out across our cities. Not only are piles of bricks being left at riot scenes, but mayor De Blasio’s daughter has been arrested at one of these unlawful protests and bail out money for looters are being donated by celebrities and Joe Biden campaign mangers. All that and more in this report…

Click here to see, "Something Doesn’t Add Up! Organized Riots? Staged Bricks, Bail Out's & De Blasio’s Daughter Arrested"


Benjamin Fulford: Riots and Pandemic Plan Blows up in Their Faces

CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls: The long-term plan concocted by the Satanic Zionists to kill billions is blowing up in their faces following the failure of their riots and fake pandemic. Now, the world’s military and intelligence forces are actively hunting them down, according to multiple sources, including official government statements. "The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” says U.S. Attorney General William Barr.

Click here to see, "Benjamin Fulford: Riots and Pandemic Plan Blows up in Their Faces"
