Subject: Things Are Really Beginning To Heat Up

Things Are Really Beginning To Heat Up Against The [Deep State]! - On The Fringe Must Video (Warning. Some Explicit Language)

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Things Are Really Beginning To Heat Up Against The [Deep State]! - On The Fringe Must Video (Warning. Some Explicit Language)

REPORTER: John Rolls: There is a multi-front attack happening against the [deep state] at this time. This is not a one day attack, this is an attack that will continue for weeks and progressively get more and more painful every step of the way. The [deep state] is falling and nothing can save them now… Nothing. Sorry for my F bombs (not sorry enough to remove them though), that story just pisses me off beyond words.

Click Here to see, "Things Are Really Beginning To Heat Up Against The [Deep State]! - On The Fringe Must Video (Warning. Some Explicit Language)"

Q+ Trump Takes Down House of Saud (+++) Rothchilds (++) George Soros! Public Arrests & Military Tribunals [Enemy Combatants]

REPORTER: Christian Patriot News: Trump Took Down The House of Saud. They Were The First Side Of The Triangle (+++). Next, Trump Took Down The Rothchilds (++). George Soros (+) Is Next! Public Arrests Are Coming, Followed By Military Tribunals. Enemy Combatants Will Be Dealt With According To The Department Of Defense Law Of War Manual. Justice Is Coming!

Click Here to see, "Q+ Trump Takes Down House of Saud (+++) Rothchilds (++) George Soros! Public Arrests & Military Tribunals [Enemy Combatants]"