Subject: The Truth You're Not Being Told

Here’s Why He’s Pushing the Jab - The Truth About Clones You’re Not Being Told (Video)

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Here’s Why He’s Pushing the Jab - The Truth About Clones You’re Not Being Told (Video)

REPORTER: N. Morgan: In this shocking video, you’re about to learn why Trump is pushing the jabs and who his Demonic advisors are. Clones were developed many decades ago and have been walking the earth for just as long without anyone knowing the TRUTH. However, the technology is still not perfected. Many have serious faults as you will see. Fascinating video

Click Here to see, "Here’s Why He’s Pushing the Jab - The Truth About Clones You’re Not Being Told (Video)"

X22Report: All Three Movies Playing At The Same Time! Justice Marker! Communications Blackout! - Must Video

REPORTER: John Rolls: The [DS] is panicking, they know nothing will stop what coming. Twitter begins the communication blackout and will suspend anyone if they post a pic without consent, getting ready for the purge. The Maxwell trial is in full swing and the fake news is distracting the people making them think Trump is involved withe Epstein, this will backfire on them like the Russia hoax. The election fraud is being presented in multiple states, this is not going to go well for the [DS]. All three movies are playing at the same time, Justice marker.

Click Here to see, "X22Report: All Three Movies Playing At The Same Time! Justice Marker! Communications Blackout! - Must Video"