Dúrham: Clíntòn Crìmes Largest Criminal Conspiracy in History! Kâsh Pàtel - A Name To Remember! The Plot Against The Prèsídent - FULL DOCUMENTARY! MUST WATCH!! (Video)
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Dúrham: Clíntòn Crìmes Largest Criminal Conspiracy in History! Kâsh Pàtel - A Name To Remember! The Plòt Against The Prèsídent - FULL DOCUMENTARY! MUST WATCH!! (Video)
REPORTER: Christian Pátriot News: In June 2018, Q Said Kâsh Pàtel Was A Name To Remember! Today You Will Learn That Kâsh Is Working With Dònald J. Trúmρ And John Dúrham To Prosecute Clíntòn's Rùssia Hóax/Stèéle Dossier Crimes. Kâsh And Dúrham Are Calling Clìnton's Crimes A Joint Venture Conspiracy. Think Mob. It's A Criminal Enterprise, "The Largest Criminal Cònspiracy in U.S. History!" But Remember, Trúmρ Caught The Swamp! He Caught Them All! And Soon Lìsa Páge, Peter Strzòk, Andy McCàbe, Christopher Stèéle And Bruce & Nellie Óhr Will All Be Indicted And Arrested! PLUS, Dèvin Núnes And Kâsh Pàte (both considered to be Q/Trúmρ/Trúth Sócial insiders) Are Urging Every American to Watch and Share The FULL DOCUMENTARY, "The Plòt Against The Ρrésìdent!" It's Linked In Today's Update! Enjoy The Show!
Click Here to see, "Dúrham: Clíntòn Crìmes Largest Criminal Conspiracy in History! Kâsh Pàtel - A Name To Remember! The Plot Against The Prèsídent - FULL DOCUMENTARY! MUST WATCH!! (Video)"
Χ22Rèport - Foreign Black Sites Are Being Closed! Irregular Wàrfare! A Critical Moment In Time! - Must Video
REPORTER: John Rolls: This is irregular wàrfare, nothing is as it seems. The polls have turned on the [DS]‘s plan, the people are awake and it’s getting harder and harder for the fáke néws to keep the narrative. At every turn the lies are being shown to the world and the people are seeing the truth. Soon the people will learn the true evil that has been guiding this country. This is a critical moment in time.
Click Here to see, "Χ22Rèport - Foreign Black Sites Are Being Closed! Irregular Wàrfare! A Critical Moment In Time! - Must Video"