Subject: Q's Latest Drop Was Just Shared on National TV!

Q's Latest Drop Was Just Shared on National TV! The Whole World is Watching! We Are The News Now!

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REPORTER: Christian Ρatriot News: It's Time to Take Back Our Country & Return Power to The People! We're Witnessing The Greatest Worldwide Military Intelligence Sting Operation of All-Time! Every Scenario Was Planned For. Every Detail Was Accounted For. The Storm Has Finally Arrived! We're in The Final Stage of The Plan!

Go Here to see, "Q's Latest Drop Was Just Shared on National TV! The Whole World is Watching! We Are The News Now!"


We Accomplished Much More Than We Realize! Not Everything Shown To Us Is As It Appears! - On The Fringe

REPORTER: John Rolls: The dèép state will have us believe we managed to do nothing yesterday. Aside from taking back the house, maybe the Senate; we helped expose one of the biggest criminal rings to ever exist on this planet. That is no small feat. Stand strong ρatriots and do not back down. We are far from done.

Go Here to see, "We Accomplished Much More Than We Realize! Not Everything Shown To Us Is As It Appears! - On The Fringe"