Subject: Great News Coming. Please Watch and Share

Q: You're Watching A Scripted Movie & You're Going To LOVE The Way This Movie Ends! MUST WATCH!!


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Must-Have Self-Defense Tool Drops A 270 Pound Thug In 2 Seconds Flat!

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Q: You're Watching A Scripted Movie & You're Going To LOVE The Way This Movie Ends! MUST WATCH!!

REPORTER: Christian Patriot News: We Are Witnessing The Greatest Military Intèlligence Stìng Operation Of All-Time! Welcome To The Second American Revòlútion! See How God Is Working Through Q+ Trùmρ And Our Mìlitary To Save Our Nation, Our Children ...And The World!

Click Here to see, "Q: You're Watching A Scripted Movie & You're Going To LOVE The Way This Movie Ends! MUST WATCH!!"


BREAKING! Internat'l Tribùnàls Start Next Week! Gátès, Fáúci & Others Facing Dèàth Pènalty For Crímes Against Húmanity! Legal Actions Happening Everywhere! Most Censored Video!

REPORTER: James Red Pills America: Pàtriots, get ready for the LATEST BOMBSHELL UPDATE with Dr. Reìner Fùllmich! This is a 3-PART COMPILATION, in which Dr. Reìner Fùllmich confirmed that an INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL will be starting as early as next week. He goes on to say that SEVERAL LEGAL ACTIONS are also taking place in South Africa, India, Poland, and Canada. Bìll Gátés faces the dèath pénalty in India, but you will NOT hear a word in the complicit fakestream controlled média about that, let alone the fact that Ànthony Fáúci, Dr. Tedròs, General Director of WHÓ and Mr. Chrístian Drósten (the lying idiot who pushed the useless ρςr tèst to no end) ARE ALSO FACING THE DÈÀTH PÈNALTY! This video also includes an interview of tremendous hope enhanced by a SPIRITUAL FORCE that will turn a seemingly IRREVERSIBLE and DEMÒNIC PLAN to DUST!

Click Here to see, "BREAKING! Internat'l Tribùnàls Start Next Week! Gátès, Fáúci & Others Facing Dèáth Penalty For Crímes Against Húmanity! Legal Actions Happening Everywhere! Most Censored Video!"