Subject: Feinstein Busted On Phone With Iran! Logan Act!

Dianne Feinstein Busted On Phone With Iran! HAARP Comes To Life!

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Cut Power Bills by 65% Keto Bread

MIT Discovery Can Cut Power Bills by 65%

Why It's Impossible to Eat Bread and Burn Fat!

Dianne Feinstein Busted Talking to Iran on Unsecure iPhone! Logan Act Violation! (video)

CURATOR: Glenn Canady. Dianne Feinstein, the filthy gun grabber who hates the US Constitution was recently caught violating the Logan Act by talking to Iran without permission from Trump! Jake Sherman saw her iPhone and she had been talking to the Iranian Foreign Minister - Javad Zarif! Bear in mind that Trump has...


Ghost Cities Secrets Revealed & HAARP Comes to Life Again (video)

Ghost Cities Secrets Revealed & HAARP Comes to Life Again CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. A ghost town is an abandoned village, town, or city, usually one that contains substantial visible remains. But what about Ghost cities? After saying it was closed, After saying it was a super happy fun machine and we were all crazy. NOW they will allow this woman from canada several...


The Fight for America Begins: Trump to Invoke Insurrection Act That Authorizes National Guard, Military Action Inside U.S. Borders

CONTRIBUTOR: NESARA. Friday, May 17, 2019 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) This is bombshell breaking news. See the emergency Counterthink video update, below. According to sources cited by The Daily Caller, President Trump is poised to invoke theInsurrection Act to fight for America’s survival against the ongoing invasion of illegals who are...


Q: Gavin Newsom to Force Mandatory Blackouts for California During Summer - Be Prepared! (video)

Q: Gavin Newsom to Force Mandatory Blackouts for California During Summer - Be Prepared! CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. Gavin Newsom To Force Mandatory Blackouts For California During Summer! BE PREPARED!! Buy generators and have at least 20 gallons of fuel on hand. We went 10 days in Oregon with no power and 20 days without phone or internet. Definitely have food and water on hand for a month....
