Breaking! Dùrham Bombshell! Danchenko Was an FBÍ Informant! Hìllary's High Treason! Mike Lìndell Raided! MUST WATCH!! (Video)

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Breaking! Dúrham Bombshell! Danchenko Was an FBÌ Informant! Híllary's High Treason! Mike Líndell Raided! MUST WATCH!! (Video)

REPORTER: Chrístian Patriøt News: Hillary Clinton Committed High Treason When She Masterminded The Steele Dossier! The [Coup Attempt] Against President Trumρ Will Not Go Unpunished! And Treason Is Only The Beginning! Plus, Mike Lindell is The Latest Patriøt to be Raided by a Corrupt, Weaponized FBÌ! The John Dúrham Investigation is Heating Up! Hìllary Clínton, Barack HÚSSEIN Òbama and Our Corrupt 3-Letter Agencies Are Being Implicated! No One Gets A Free Pass! Justice is Coming!

Go Here to see, "Breaking! Dùrham Bombshell! Danchenko Was an FBÌ Informant! Híllary's High Treason! Mike Líndell Raided! MUST WATCH!! (Video)"


Bíden Can't Lie His Way Out Of This! - On The Fringe

REPORTER: John Rolls: The demolition of our economy is heading along right on schedule. The problem is, it is becoming apparent the [DS] Bìden puppets are directly behind it. People are seeing this happen in real time, which historically has never happened before now. We are turning the tides, but we are still taking on a lot of water in the process. Grab a bucket and hold the line patrìots.

Go Here to see, "Bíden Can't Lie His Way Out Of This! - On The Fringe"