Subject: Are The France Riots A Test Run?

X22 Report: Are The France Riots A Deep State Test Run? Old Guard Power Structure Being Destroyed! - Must Video


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X22 Report: Are The France Riots A Deep State Test Run? Old Guard Power Structure Being Destroyed! - Must Video

REPORTER: John Rolls: The [DS] realize they have lost the information war, they are trying to regain control via AI but this will fail. They will no need to push the information war into a physical war. Is France a test run to try to start a civil war, its starting to seem like it. What we are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard power structure. The [DS] is being starved of funds.

Go Here to see, "X22 Report: Are The France Riots A Deep State Test Run? Old Guard Power Structure Being Destroyed! - Must Video"


REPORTER: The Tap Blog: Everyone remembers the first Al Gore world tour promoting fake global warming, talking about how the shorelines of America would all recede as the great glaciers of the world melt and the oceans rise. We heard fibs about the ozone layer and trapped greenhouse gases. Even statistics of the hottest years since 1935 made it seem as though every human might be bursting into flames soon if we don’t stop all the cows from farting and start car-pooling in the H.O.V. lanes on the highways....

Go Here to see, "Top 10 Reasons “Climate Change” Is a Complete Hoax and Ponzi Scheme Run by the Globalists and D.C. Democrats"