Subject: Friend ~ 20-Frame Honey Extractor available


Honey Extractors
Available NOW!
We now supply Honey Extractors 
We have found a major gap between the supply of honey extractors and the cost they carry for many small to medium honey farming oeprations.

There are beautiful stainless steel honey exractors available with a 10-frame manual honey extractor being in the region of R13,500 and a 20-frame honey extractor costing around R21,000.

These are quite heavy investments to make if you have just started keeping bees. This is especially diificult to consider even with 30 established bee hives.

So, we have made arrangements to bring a high grade plastic honey extractor that can hold 20 frames with a manual gear with a turning ratio of 4 to 1.

We are able to source motorised and stainless steel extractors with lead time of up to 6 weeks. They are made to order.

The 20-frames plastic Honey extractors are available within 3 days.

Use to send your orders.
Bee course
Honey Extractor 20-frame Experts's advice
Our video on Low Tech Honey Filtering is an example of simple technology put to use at a low cost from your kitchen. It is easy for any beekeeper to use the same methods we did in our video or similar. Below find some more examples of low tech honey extarcting and filtering:

Use a paint thinner strainer to make a cone funnel and crush the honey comb to filter it through the strainer while closed inside the rim of a bucket's lid overnight.

Use cheese clothe in a similar way as above while phyically crushing the honeycomb into a stainless steel bowl or similar.

Use a set of two standard stainless steel spaghetti strainer of different sizes - 1x strainer of fairly large size gaps in the mesh and 1x strainer of small and fine mesh. Crush the honey comb and leave to filter overnight or ina  warm room to speed the process.

Uncap the comb on the super frames and lie them at a 30-degree angle in a warm room with a dripping tray below the frames.

NB - Whenever you crush honeycomb ensure that there are no dead bees left on the comb or inside it. They will still be able to sting you.
Easy Buzzing bee course 21 May 
Easy Buzzing Bee course for beginners is running again on the 21st May near Lanseria airport!

Visit the Bee course section on our website for further details.

If you dont have a bee suit you can rent one from us for R100 on the day. There is at least 60 minutes of practical work with bees where you will open a working bee hive and conduct a full inspection.

It is getting time now to move on to the Cosmos nectar flow from the sunflowers. Cosmos also granulises quickly and offers low nectar sources.

Soon the aloes will come to flower. This is probably one of the best flavours of South African honey to taste however comes with the increased aggression from your honey bee colonies.

The aloes are traditionally used to make increase or help to build colonies being prepared for splitting in anticipation of the Spring Nectar flow. Learn more on our bee course!
Beekeeping Business Solutions P.S. - We are looking for bulk suppliers of RAW, unheated sunflower honey from beekeepers...Please email
Beginner beekeeping course will be running again on 21 MAY from 8am until 16h30.

It's a full day of beginner beekeeping training with at least 60 minutes of REAL Bee work as you open a working bee hive and inspect for pests, honey and the queen bee!

Feel free to forward this email to a friend!
  We offer start up kits for beginner beekeepers.

Purchase any of the items below separately or as a starter kit:

Bee hives
Bee suits - detachable veil
Hive tool
Bee smoker
Bee gloves | frame wire
queen excluders
  If you want to start beekeeping now you have an excellent opportunity in the northern part of the country with the COSMOS  season on flow now.

Alternatively, look to the aloes which will be coming up soon. The cosmos flower provides a tasty variation on other honey types which granulises very quickly too.
Contact us
082 359 8787
086 50 33 0 55

Bee Course DVD video training