Subject: Your Bees Get a RISE out of this CROP! 😜

Firmer, Longer Lasting and Larger!

*As a Pollination Service Provider, You May Negotiate Up To R910/hive/hectare Rental Income!*

Wow, Friend

Did we stir the pot with your honeybees and pollination potential?
Read more below... we present our micro MBA report!


I invested a good deal in researching and revisiting my personal time involved in blueberry pollination work in South Africa and put it in that last email...

Check your spam folder to find it! 


South Africa has planted 100s of new hectares over the last few years and more are being planted every season!

The most recent information provided by the SABPA (2019). The blueberry industry had around 2 000 established hectares across various provinces in 2018 which delivered an estimated crop of 11 306 tons!


The fee for pollinating blueberries is recommended as follows:

R980 per hive per 21 days under netting with 7 bee hives per hectare.

Flowering season is Sept - February typically however there are varietals that are planted that flower from May through to February in South African regions like the Eastern Cape and others.

Roughly, 14,000 pollination-standard bee hives are required currently to service this industry and growing.

Flowering period is up to 10-weeks depending on varietal.


  • 13% MORE FRUIT SET [*as per one research paper on one varietal]

  • 12% MORE WEIGHT [*as per one research paper on one varietal]

  • LONGER LIFESPAN FOR EXPORT MARKETS [generic across varietals]

Overall, the Blueberry Industry gains at least 1,460 tons more produce and generates an additional revenue of R116 million... Yes! Million...with bees!

That's based on the price of R80/kg from 2020/21 and DOES NOT consider the difference in weight which translates into higher grades for more of the total crop by jumping a grade in quality.

Blueberry Workers Thank You

Blueberries are the most labour-intensive fruits grown in South Africa!

This means that all of the staff involved from picking the berries to washing, grading, packing and distribution all get more work and that means more pay.


As a pollination provider, you could provide pollination cover for at least 3 months during the standard flowering period however some farmers plant a range of varietals that flower for up to 8 months of the year in differing coverage to provide a longer production output.


Watch the video interview below, Prof Hannelie Human of Tukkies [University of Pretoria] shares findings of her research over 4 years including the longer lifespan of blueberries pollinated by honeybees in South Africa!

Depending on the varietal of blueberry planted the minimum increase in yield is 13% & 12% heavier making more berries and decrease in smaller berries. 

Crop Yield Formula

Grower 10 tons + 13% = 1.3 tons extra yield x R80/kg = +R104,000 per ha

Beekeeper is paid R980 x 5 hives per 21 days up to 10 weeks = +/- R15k


  1. Insect-mediated pollination services increased blueberry fruit set, berry weight and seed set (R2 values: 64.8%, 75.9% and 75.2% respectively).

We often detected pollen limitation, indicated by an increase in fruit set, berry weight and seed set (R2: 10.1%, 18.2% and 21.5%, respectively), with additional hand pollination. Increasing visitation of honeybees and wild bees contributed to blueberry pollination by increasing fruit set (R2: 5.4% and 3.5%), berry weight (R2: 6.5% and 2.8%) and seed set (R2: 6.4% and 3.8%) respectively.

Bee contributions to fruit set and berry weight were variable across regions.

  1. Source: First published: 11 October 2023


2) On average, precision-pollinated plots had 70% more bee visits to flowers and produced 13% more fruits that were 12% heavier and 12% firmer than those obtained through conventional practices.

These results showed that pollination efficiency could be improved if key management related to bee strength, distribution and health care are taken into account.

Due to these results, we encourage growers and beekeepers to include precision pollination practices to both increase the productivity of blueberry fields and the well-being of honey bees within agro-ecosystems.

[source: Cavigliasso, P., Negri, P., Viel, M. et al. Precision management of pollination services to blueberry crops. Sci Rep 11, 20453 (2021).]

Notes to Consider For Pollination Providers:

Growers may not receive efficient pollination services if hives are low quality (i.e., have low number of frames covered with bees, or bees with high levels of pests) and/or beehives are placed far from the field to pollinate20.

Beekeepers, on the other hand, may lose many hives if pesticides are applied during flowering (i.e., colony loss by intoxication)21 and/or if flower resources within or surrounding the farm are not sufficient in terms of abundance or quality to sustain their well-being (i.e., colony loss by starvation)22.


British Columbia Blueberry Council states:

  • Blueberries require insect-mediated pollination (bees) to produce decent yields.

  • The combined visits by both honeybees and wild bee species (particularly bumblebees) during blueberry bloom leads to better seed set, larger fruit, and higher yields. Adequate fruit size can make the difference between making fresh grade versus process grade.

  • Blueberries that develop without bee pollination tend to be small and usually don’t reach marketable size.

  • Research shows that without pollinators, highbush blueberry yields in B.C. decrease by 30 to 50% from typical levels. This decrease can be more substantial with some difficult-to-pollinate varieties.

Start Beekeeping Academy PRO

Why Partner with Us?

  1. Unprecedented Earnings: At, we've unlocked a formula that can multiply your hive's value. Imagine a scenario where you offer your services to SUNFLOWER farmers, securing up to R910 per hive, with four [4] hives per hectare over a 42 day period. Your potential for profit is enormous, and it's in your hands.

  2. Win-Win Collaboration: SUNFLOWER Farmers who benefit from your pollination services see their crop yields soar by up to 700+ mean number of fruits per tree with hives! [Compared to 227 mean number of fruits without your hives*.]
    [*Study by VITHANAGE, H.I.N.V. 1990. ‘The role of European honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) in avocado pollination’. Journal of Horticultural Science, 65: 81–86.*]

    This level of success not only ensures your continued collaboration but also strengthens your reputation as a top-notch beekeeper.

  3. Sustainable Growth: Beekeeping is more than just a hobby; it's a way to contribute to a sustainable ecosystem. By expanding your passion in to business services to agriculture, you're playing a vital role in enhancing food production and supporting the honeybee population.

Your Passion. Your Hives. Your Opportunity.

It's time to elevate your beekeeping enterprise. With a simple but revolutionary shift in your approach, you can watch your hive's worth grow exponentially.

By tapping into the demand for honeybee pollination, you not only secure your income but also become a crucial part of the agricultural success story.

The opportunity to earn up to R910 per hive x 4 hives per hectare is real FOR SUNFLOWERS, and the path to an additional 8-10 tons potential per hectare* for SUNFLOWER farmers is possible. *as reported in studies.  

Join us at Bee Ware®, and together, we'll create a buzzing, fruitful future for you and your honeybees.

Don't miss out on this extraordinary journey.

Contact us today at Bee Ware® to explore how we can help you make your bee hives more profitable than ever before.

Blue Book, Beekeeping in South Africa
Blue Book, Beekeeping in South Africa
ZAR 490.00
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Wax Foundation Sheets -Brood
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Queen Excluder - Metal
Queen Excluder - Metal
ZAR 104.00
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Langstroth Beehive
ZAR 1,175.00
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Double Honey Strainer
Double Honey Strainer
ZAR 285.00
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ZAR 185.00
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Further reading:

Johannsmeier M.F., Swart D.J. and Morudu T.M. (1997). Honeybees in an avocado orchard: forager distribution, influence on fruit set and colony development. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook 20:39-41.

Francis H.L. (1996). Correlation between cross-pollination and fruit yield. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook 19:81.

Robbertse P.J, Coetzer L.A., Johannsmeier M.F., Swart D.J., Kohne J.S. and Morudu T.M. (1996). Hass yield on fruit size as influenced by pollination and pollen donor – a joint progress report. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook 19:63-67.

*Study by VITHANAGE, H.I.N.V. 1990. ‘The role of European honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) in avocado pollination’. Journal of Horticultural Science, 65: 81–86.*