Subject: Why You Should Know What Queen Cells Are In your Hives!

Spot the Difference Between Queen Cells

"How To Tell What Queen Cells You Have?"

"Why it matters shown below..."

Queen cells matter... It's swarming season.

"Your colonies are getting ready to swarm."

"Have you prepared for swarming yet?" 

"Watch This Video Identify What Queen Cells You Have"  

Copyright 2022 © Bee Ware®. All rights reserved worldwide.

Why Managing Your Queen Cells Makes Sense

  • If you destroy a queen cell your hive needs, you could kill your colony

  • What do you do when you get multiple splitting queen cells

  • By doing our Intermediate Bee Course you can make more colonies

  • Manage the swarming tendency before it happens

  • More queen cells can mean expanding with more colonies

  • Discover how to sell your spare queen cells and make money

  • Share the excitement of making splits

Watch beekeeping videos about South African beekeeping...

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Lucerne is also known as Alfalfa. Best when left to seed... Watch for more info.

Watch our growing Bee Plant Rating Library for crops, plants, trees and weeds with their pollen and nectar values, the honey stats and more...

Copyright 2022 © Bee Ware®. All rights reserved worldwide.

*GET Swarming & Splitting Tools*

Bee Lure - Lemongrass oil-50ml
Bee Lure - Lemongrass oil-50ml
If you want to increase your chance of successfully attracting a swarm, you can add an attractant to your bait hive. Lemongrass is very similar to the queen bee’s scent, so honeybees find the mixture of lemongrass and beeswax irresistible.
ZAR 140.00
6-Frame Catch Box
6-Frame Catch Box
Catch box for attracting bees Luring bees that are trekking around in spring and summer time! And for making new bee splits which we teach on our Intermediate Bee Course using your splitting queen cells to make more hives!!
ZAR 540.00
Brood Chamber [complete]
Brood Chamber [complete]
Brood Chamber - Complete with 10-frames wired and wax starter strips. Includes: 1x floor 1x traveling lid with aluminium cover 10x frames wired with wax starter strips 1x brood chamber Ready for splitting colonies and adding new colonies to your apiary!
ZAR 720.00