Subject: Why Aren't You Doing These With Your RAW Honey?

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"Why Aren't You Doing This

With Your Raw Honey?"

Have you got raw honey that takes you a while to sell?

Although honey doesn't expire or go off, every month it sits in your storage it's not making you any money. And, it's that much closer to granulating in the container! By crystallizing it becomes much more difficult to handle and, in many cases, tougher to sell. People think it's gone rancid. Retailers certainly don't like the idea of stocking raw honey for that reason...

Making less margin on bulk sales and wish you could make more profit?

By doing really well and harvesting loads of raw honey during peak production and then having lulls during dearth periods - there's a gap in your potential for a regular paycheck through the year... Selling all of your harvest at bulk prices also results in a lower overall profit margin for the year.

By following these ideas you can stretch your sales period out over the year and double or triple your profit margin on excess raw honey... Watch Below!

Watch below for details on "6 Ways You Can Maximise Your Honey Sales"...

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