Subject: We Bee-Long Together

We Bee-Long Together! 
   Bee  Ware
               Start Beekeeping with us! 
Congratulations! You're on board! Do bees, do beekeeping, do honey, do pollinating and bee more. 

We offer a beekeeping starter kit for newbee beekeepers which includes all of the beginner bee tools and hives you need to get started. 
Did you know we are on Facebook? Get articles and tips every week!

Go visit our page @

****YES! We now stock 30-42 frame extractors, honey pumps, wax comb extruders 50kg/hr processing ability and more... ****

We Bee-Long Together! 

~ March of  2019! ~
Wow! What a fantastic start to 2019! It's AMAZING that we're already in mid-March of yet another year! I recently gave someone a Valentine's Day Card... 

The punchline to the card was 'We bee-long together' and this got me thinking... we, as human beings, yearn for relationships throughout life of all different flavours. I found myself contemplating recently about this fact and realised as a company we have been there all along for people that decide to build a relationship with bees and honey and the wild for all sorts of reasons... 

Some people love bees, some love honey and some, the outdoors. We've been here supporting beekeepers and people from all walks of life and far and wide... some people needed more crop yields, pollination, time outside, time with self and some people needed a new income after losing their work. Bees and the industry caters for all of these needs, whether they are a combination or for a single purpose...

We've helped people start pollinating businesses, bee removal businesses, honey production and even other shops - simply because we can bee more together!  

How can we help you bee more?


We hope you had warm memories and great times with your family and friends over the festive season. 

Using some resources like the Goal Workbook PDF here - which is free to use- is an excellent example of how to go about how you want your year to go.... 

Many people who do beekeeping are in the middle stage of life to their later years. This doesn't give us many more times to sit and contemplate our life purpose, our reason for being here and all the experiences we want and places we want to see. That's just going on running this exercise once a year. Some of us might do this action 40 more times - if you do it at all. Some of us might only do it 10 more times. 

How long do you give yourself the time to design your life? If you're a bee, every time she leaves the colony she has purpose. That's at least 365 times a year! 

Be more like a bee this year. Create your purpose. Think about your life. Write it down. Plan. Then take action. Live like you only had 35 more days - EVERY 35 days! Your life will change. Just like a bees. Their average lifespan is 36 days... 

Kind of puts things into perspective... Bee MORE! 


~ Bees and Summer Flow-------------->

This time of year is referred to as the END of Summer Flow in beekeeping lingo [southern hemisphere]. It's the perfect time for bees to be splitting and trekking across the country. When bees do this it makes for the best opportunity to grow your apiary using some basic items and planning! 

Tools for Luring Trekking Swarms

# Lemon grass essential oil 
# Catch boxes & brood chambers 
# Nectar flow sites like sunflower, blue gum and avo
# Sugar water to kickstart the new colony

Spraying a new swarm with very fine sugar water is a good way to help them recover and boost their condition after a trek! In this case, a 2:1 ratio of water to sugar can be implemented. So, 2L of water to 1kg of sugar for example. This will help the bees to recover quickly and boost their energy levels in the early days of settling in to their new home. 

Note: One is not required to spray a full 2 liter bottle onto the colony all at one time... Rather to split it into 500ml sprays over 2-3 days where possible. Otherwise see next our alternatives if you aren't able to get to the bees frequently. 

Entrance feeders and external feeding is a good practice to be putting to use over this period to boost new colonies after swarming. By watching them, you can get a good indication of what your bees are gathering and bringing back to the hive. Usually there will be yellow or red pollen coming back with foragers. If no pollen is noticed then it is very likely that forager was collecting nectar and or water for the colony. 

If you can see pollen being brought in then it is very unlikely that they need pollen feeding or a pollen substitute. Remember although bees require pollen in their diet to keep themselves warm and feed the young larvae the important thing is that during this time all energy is usually utilised for brood boosting the colony with high priority on breeding new bees at this time. 

The feeding at this point should really only be focused on new and trekking swarms that have moved into bee hives. 

ALERT:> Ants can become a major risk when feeding sugar water to so make sure not to spill sugar water around or in the hive. USE Nip-It nearby to your hives to keep ants away from your apiary. 

P.S. We also feel it is important to inform customers that our contact details by phone line are 012 771 4288 and 012 757 5538 to speak with TJ and Shirley or contact Shirley on 083 308 0042 at the Bee WARE Centurion Shop. 

Our email address is at the shop.  

Contact details for Bee WARE

Tel number: 012 771 4288 | 083 308 0042 Online: 
Honey extractors
Honey flow pretty much skyrockets in the southern African countries with blue gums and sunflowers!

P.S. Bees are going to need close monitoring on a weekly basis as they go into overdrive with nectar flow kicking in this month. 

This doesn't mean opening your hives every week but just getting an idea of how busy your colonies are you can count the returning bees in the morning and late afternoon and if it is more than 60 bees a minute then you should consider adding a super - if you only had a brood chamber in use.  

The simple way to make sugar water is to take 1 cup of water and then use the same cup while using 2 full cups of sugar and mix them. Ideally you use hot water in order to make the sugar soluble in the water. This is a 2:1 ration of water and sugar. It's ideal for sustaining wintering swarms. 

Sugar honey?! If you feed sugar while there's a nectar flow on the bees will not know to keep the sugar apart from the honey they make with nectar and you will have created adulterated honey which has sugar in it... This is false honey. Avoid this at all costs. 

Plan for End of Summer honey!

With honeybees in end of summer they continue to rock with activity! It's vital that you pay great attention to when the colony is expanding and when they WILL need more space to build and grow!  

We've got a number of ideas for you:
  • Prepare your spare supers to place on top of a colony you harvest from
  • Research and contact grower's associations for access to farmland
  • Use your bee by-products to make products to sell or reuse in the hive
  • Make candles with beeswax
  • Make balms, creams and lotions with beeswax
  • Make propolis tinctures with high percentage alcohol - Vodka is a good option
  • Implement your summer catching programme
  • Budget for new equipment especially additional SUPER chambers, tools
  • Find future customers, markets to sell your honey
  • Make labels, flyers or other marketing material for your goods
  • Prepare a fire break clearing schedule where bees are on farmland / veld areas
  • Prepare NIP-It for repelling and managing ant problems
  • Maximum use of 3 supers on a hive to manage Capensis invasion
Check on Bee WARE's online shop today for deals 


Discover the Bee-Friendly flowers, crops and plants that beekeepers should focus on this month in March for next flows:

~ Summer Short list ~
Apples, Avocados, Lemons, oranges (citrus), SUNFLOWER, butternut, pumpkin and lucerne (if it goes to flower) and grenadilla for example. Cosmos is also coming up soon! 

Recommendations: Even if you aren't able to take full advantage of these blossoming trees and plants now, plant some of them this year so they can be ready next year or a few years from now. 

Plant now for the future and help give bees food for life.

We have new stock of beehives, bee smokers & bee tools! 

We've got some new tools at the shop! 
# entrance discs - choose the entrance of your hives
# queen plungers
# plastic queen excluders

Good NEWS! - We have launched an updated website for ordering online! Visit   - It will be closed during holiday season as shown above. 

What else can you do?
  • Come on a bee course to start beekeeping now! 
  • Set up pollination contracts for crops and fruit growers. 
  • Generally, crops and fruit orchards require varying ratios of hives to hectare > a rough average is at least 3 hives per hectare

Our next Easy Buzzing Beekeeping Course is on 6th April in Midrand. 

This course will be facilitated by Bee WARE with practical hive session after lunch. 
For anyone who is about to start beekeeping here's some things to consider:
  • It's awesome working with bees
  • It's scary working with bees
  • But it's honestly amazing! 
  • Care for them and they provide honey, wax and other products of the hive
  • A starter kit is R4250 all-in! Big discount!
  • A bee course is R950
  • You kuier lekker met die Bye! 
So treat your hubby, loved one or friend with a beekeeping gift today!
Got a farm and growing crops? Bees can pollinate your crops and usually contribute to more than 50% of the pollination of most crops over and above that of butterflies and flies. 

We will be posting to FaceBook the actual pollination effects bees will have on crops in South Africa and elsewhere over the next week. Be sure to visit our FaceBook page for that info.  

Here's a challenge: Which crop enjoys 300% increase in yields when 2x hives per hectare are utilised when flowering takes place? 
Queen bee in hive
Can you spot her? The queen bee [above] is the only fertile female in the Scutellata colony and therefore the only bee that can properly lay eggs of either male or female workers.
Online Bee Store!
Online Bee Store!

The Centurion Shop is open for business Monday- Friday 9:00-16:00 and on Sat 09:00 - 12:00!   
Amazing beautiful hand poured pure beeswax candles available online & in-store in Centurion!

The Christmas Tree Candle is a stunning gift for nature lovers, candle burners, meditators and churches! Hand rolled beeswax candles now!

More Pure Beeswax candles!
  First Steps
    Keep reading articles, bee books
   Over the course of the next 6 weeks we will be sending you tips, articles and news about beekeeping that will help you to better understand the benefits of bees for all of us!
We will be sending you tips, articles and news about beekeeping that will help you to better understand the benefits of bees for all of us!

Our recommended first steps are that you get hold of the blue book, Beekeeping in South Africa which is available on our website by mail order or if you collect in Centurion.

Southern Hemisphere: 
A seasoned bee colony can take from 4-8 weeks to build and fill a new super chamber with honey - ready for harvesting. A new colony without any comb yet will take about a week to build and develop a frame in the brood chamber or about 8-10 weeks in total.

Make sure you have spare super chambers for your seasoned colonies so that by the end of November you are placing your new empty super chamber on the hive. 

Let's bee more in 2019! Go do beekeeping! 

Northern Hemisphere:
With winter coming to an end, be sure to get your supers ready to be placed on hives for spring. 

Sugar water can be used to feed the bees and supplement their diet over the cold winter days and nights. However, use only white sugar as brown tends to ferment quicker and give the bees gastro. They can die from this. 

Feed the bees with 1:1 sugar water. This will begin the process of helping to sustain the bees over the coming winter. 

When there's a nectar flow, stop feeding the bees as the honey will be adulterated by the sugar feeding. 

Ask Questions & Visit our site to get info on bees, equipment and like us on Facebook!
If you are all for bees then bees are all for it!
Bee Book
 more info »
Love bees but cannot make the bee course to get started? Get our Bee Book called Beekeeping in South Africa for R450!
Watch our bee videos on keeping bees, harvesting honey and bee info
Come on bee course »
Honey Extractor for sale!

Online Deal!
Our electric 4-Frame honey extractor ONLY R5495!
Order [available]


Our 6-frame honey extractors ONLY R7600!
Order [available]

3- Frame extractors
Available for R3,600
Buy - available

8-frame extractors
Extract for R11,750 
Electric, Reversible
includes honeygate tap

12-Frame Extractor
Selling for R15,500
Electric & Reversible
includes honeygate tap

20-frame extractor
Electric, reversible
includes honeygate tap

Online Deal!
Our Langstroth bee hives ONLY R999!
Order [133 units]

BeeSuits with detachable veil
Medium to XXL size
R1475 each
*gloves sold separate

Bee Smokers
Dome and Cone shaped
Leather bellow

Hive tools

Settling tanks
30 / 50 / 100 / 200kg 
storage tanks for honey with honeygate taps incl, Shop #6, 26 Jacaranda Street, Coachmans Crescent, 0157, Centurion, South Africa
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