Subject: Upgrade Your Beekeeping This Spring into Side Income or Go Full Time!

The Intermediate Bee Course Runs 18th September and 16th October

Practical Intermediate Bee Course {monthly}

"When I first started out with beekeeping, I struggled finding my way with what direction I wanted to take as I wasn’t sure what else can be done with bees to make a great living and even to leave my job."

I needed more bees and more queens and started asking about how to do that… "Do I buy them?"

"Can I build my apiary with bee I removals while charging for that as a service?"

"Can I create my own queen bees and colonies?" Then my thoughts went to asking myself, "what if I could sell extra queen bees and colonies to other commercial beekeepers?"

What honey extracting equipment and bottling machines do I need and proper harvesting and honey processing steps does it take?

Who wants my honey on a large scale and how do I go about properly managing many more colonies?

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After finding my way with trial and error and lots of mistakes, I've realised that other beekeepers like you could fast track your beekeeping to becoming a side-income or full-time business.

I invested many hours, weeks and years with beekeepers from all over South Africa and overseas to get experience and create a business model. I paged through articles and books I found in secondhand bookstores and libraries while they were still around...

It took a few years before I could leave my job after all the research I put in. Before I decided what I wanted to focus on and build a full time business.

  • Offered bee removals for about 3 years

  • Bee pollination in Nelspruit on Macadamia and Lemon orchards

  • Split and made new colonies to sell to other beekeepers

  • Made new queens to sell

  • Developed Beekeeping Training Courses that we now train-the-trainer

    • {Get in touch if you want to offer our Bee Ware® Training}

What is it that you want to do with your beekeeping that this Intermediate Beekeeping Course can get you going quicker?

I dabbled in all kinds of beekeeping side-incomes that you can too. When you come on the Practical Intermediate Beekeeping Course your insight into these profit making opportunities come to you first hand without you wasting a few years to find out...

Intermediate Beekeeping Course
Intermediate Beekeeping Course
Intermediate Beekeeping Course for new beekeepers and hobbyists that want to grow your experience. Do you want to make your own queens? How much can you charge for pollination? Who wants pollination services? What about bee removals as a business? Do other beekeepers buy colonies from beekeepers? Full Day Beekeeping Course about turning your hobby into a side-income or full-time business without the years it took me to figure it out the hard way!
ZAR 1,595.00