Subject: {Tip} Avoid This Nectar Flow Mistake + Get More Honey

Avoid Mistake In Nectar Flow
   Bee  Ware
   Start Beekeeping with us!
(C) Rob Roos 2020

Soon, it will be the Spring Flow but right now we're locked into Winter!   

How To Avoid Fermented Honey?
This photo was posted online saying the honey has split and the jars are about to pop open... 


"Why does this happen?...Read below!"      

"What Mistake Are You Making During Nectar Flows?" 

Honeybees may not cap or seal the honeycomb if there is a strong nectar flow on (blossoming crop and flowers) and they have no available space in the hive for the excess storage and forage of nectar available to them... (the super is full)

"Avoid Making This Mistake By Doing This..."

This is where bee hive and nectar flow management is critical for beekeepers as they may go on for weeks while the colony has excess nectar forage available... but not enough space to store it in because...

The beekeeper has not yet added a new super chamber that will provide extra storage in time for the strong nectar flow or prolonged nectar flow from blossoming flowers. 

"What's the Important Insight?"

Ensure you monitor the nectar flow of the apiary site and how much food is coming in while monitoring the available space in your hives via empty or additional supers at the best time to allow them to cap ripe honey during a nectar flow but also continue to forage and store more excess honey in new and empty super chambers!

We teach this in our African Masterclass Bee Training Online as well as discussing how to identify unripe honey and ripe honey... and most importantly, so you don't get 'off and fermented honey', when is the best time to harvest honey! 

"How Do You Plan To Get More Honey?"

"P.S. Some Nectar flows can result in a super chamber being built out and filled within about 10 days with a strong colony - NOT NOW during winter months - besides on the Aloes in the Highveld area that are coming up in July... "

"By recognising the value about hive management, apiary management and nectar flow management you can ensure you take full advantage of coming spring nectar flows like Blue gum, Sugar gum, Red River Gum, Citrus and more... " 

"A wet super - a harvested and extracted super with 'empty' comb returned to the hive and colony - can be refilled in as little as 6-7 days during a heavy nectar flow...

If you leave your hives without more space to build and fill during one of these types of flows can result in the colony not capping the honey EVEN IF they could." 

"Doing this can result in at least 1 less super of harvested honey in the same time period of one or two weeks...!" 

Discover more with this Online African Masterclass Bee Training >

What to look out for when harvesting honey?

Ripe honey is only ready to harvest when bees cap it. Only take honey to harvest when at least 85% of the frame is capped with white or off white-coloured beeswax seals!  

Queen bee in hive
Can you spot her? The queen bee [above] is the only fertile female in the Scutellata colony and therefore the only bee that can properly lay eggs of either male or female workers. The Cape worker is reproductive capable raising concern over the relocation into Scutellata territory!
Online Bee Store!
Online Bee tool Store!

The online store is now OPEN!

It's a full ecommerce site!   
  First Steps
    Keep reading articles, bee books
   We will be sending you tips, articles and news about beekeeping that will help you to better understand the benefits of bees for all of us!
Our recommended first steps are that you get hold of the blue book, Beekeeping in South Africa which is available on our website by mail order or if you collect in Centurion.

Southern Hemisphere:  Some bluegums are flowering now which enables bees to survive the bitter cold evenings and mornings we are experiencing. Lemon honey still flowers now as well.
Eat honey and propolis gathered during the spring and summer season to boost immune system and ward off illness. Apply honey to cracked and dry hands and fingers as a moisturiser.       
Prepare and plan for annual maintenance in your apiary with clearing as well as removing 1-2 brood frames with honey from the brood chamber from the middle of August.                    

Northern Hemisphere keep colonies going with the  nectar flows by moving your bees to seasonal crops and orchards that flower in the spring and summer periods. 
Almonds, sunflower and many more crops will be ready to accept pollination from honey bees.  
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Online African Masterclass Bee Training 
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  Online Deal!
Our complete assembled bee hives ONLY R999!
Order  today [33 units]  

Propolis Trays:
Propolis trays are used for harvesting raw propolis & for sale at R70 each 

3 Frame extractors:
Stainless steel drum, honeygate
 tap & manual gear. R3600
Buy Honey Extractors  
Heating tanks: 
Reheating tanks available with 1-inch ball valve steel tap included.

Authorised Dealers:
Cape Town
Beekeeping course 
Monthly in Midrand   
R950 pp 
R100 to hire bee suit    
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