Subject: Stock Market Courses


Wealth Skills
We provide Trading & Investing Courses, Visit online »
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Our Investment Newsletter Subscribers have enjoyed consistent profits over the last four years!
Understanding Investment Cycles
Our model of correlating various economic and investment indicators works well!

 We published an edition in March 2009 stating reasons for the markets to reverse and bottoming and within 3 months it recovered 25%!  More info »
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Icon Recent Stock Market comments.
A recent Investment Newsletter edition discussed the weaker USD and likely rally on the commodities. 

Gold rallied over $100 along with Silver moving over 10% and OIL moving $8. It's been a fantastic start to 2012!

Even our discussion on the Equity markets worked out very well with the SP500 rallying over 50pts to our target @ 1356.

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Icon We run Stock Market Courses.
Stock Market Courses run regularly from Centurion!

Technical Analysis Course, Stock Market Basics, Economic Cycles and ALSI Apprentice Trading Course are our flagship offerings.   

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ALSI Apprentice Course.
Our ALSI Apprentice Trading Course runs every second month and includes the rest of the month free access to the ALSI Trading Room.
The ALSI Trading Room holds REAL TIME Live Trading discussions on Mon, Wed & Fri to fast track traders on to profits!
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Our focus is on providing long term understanding of economic cycles that can be used to create wealth for businesses, private investors and you!

If you want to also consider short term trading we can fast track your learnign curve and cash flow using consistently successful trading strategies.

We also offer consulting for businesses with exposure to the RAND when importing.    
Ever thought of earning your money doing something totally different? 

 People are making money from the stock markets by geting the right know-how and applying discipline, risk management & trading pyschology. 

We can fast track your investing & trading experience.   View more »
Wealth Skills, Centurion, Pretoria 
Gauteng, 082 359 8787 
Trading is risky & past performance is no reflection on future earnings. © 2012 Wealth Skills. All rights reserved worldwide.