Subject: Proof That Beekeepers Live Longer 🐝💪🔖

5 Ways THIS Study Researched Longevity

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FACT: Beekeepers Live Longer!


"Malaysian Study Proves Beekeeping Extends Life"

Source: Nasir NF, Kannan TP, Sulaiman SA, Shamsuddin S, Azlina A, Stangaciu S. The relationship between telomere length and beekeeping among Malaysians. Age (Dordr). 2015 Jun;37(3):9797. doi: 10.1007/s11357-015-9797-6. Epub 2015 Jun 2. PMID: 26028466; PMCID: PMC4450150.


1) Individuals that keep bees have a longer lifespan than those that don't

2) People that eat bee products have healthier lives and live for longer

3) Individuals that frequently eat bee products every day increase lifespan

4) The LONGER Period you consume bee products for the better for your DNA!
5) You can live a healthier life from the properties of consuming honey due to the phenolic compounds in honey


Research Findings: 

Firstly, telomeres in beekeepers are longer as compared to non-beekeepers based on statistical significance analysis.

Secondly, since telomere length reflects the longevity of life, biologically, this means that beekeepers may have longer life as compared to non-beekeepers.

Thirdly, longer telomere length in beekeepers is associated with longer period of bee product consumption. Other than that, frequent consumption of bee products per day is also associated with longer telomere length.

Finally, this study suggests that bee product consumption might be beneficial to telomere length maintenance.

|| ~ Further research on a larger cohort study is deemed necessary to support our findings which is also crucial to provide a better understanding in the roles played by bee products in telomere biology, thus offering a new pathway for us to manage ageing and telomere-associated diseases.

Telomeres are part of your DNA

Studies show that the longer your telomeres are the longer your lifespan is likely to be as they are associated with longevity and the ability for your DNA to remain vibrant and strong!

Telomere length has been suggested to be a marker of biological ageing (Mather et al. 2011). In addition, shorter telomere length has been associated with ageing as well as human ageing-associated diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases and obesity (Blackburn 2010; Codd et al. 2013).

In this connection, telomere length can be a good indicator of measuring the longevity of life biologically. 

Bearing that in mind, this research aims to provide an insight into the longevity of life in beekeepers by measuring and comparing the mean terminal restriction fragment length (TRF) between beekeepers and non-beekeepers and associating them with longevity of life.

Besides that, we hope to shed some light on the factors that may influence the longevity of life in beekeepers.

In essence, bees are the tireless workers behind the scenes, diligently performing a task that is fundamental to the continuation of life on Earth. They are the caretakers of the natural world, ensuring that ecosystems thrive, crops flourish, and biodiversity reigns.

In this role, bees truly earn their title as the "handmaidens of nature®," nurturing the web of life through their humble yet profound actions.








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