Subject: New Year - New Bee Tech

Smart Technology

 Harvest Your Dream Honey  

"O-Bee-Wan© here..."

"It's a new era of smart technology"

"opportunities in beekeeping."

Celebrate Spring! Bees ARE Trekking NOW!


Harvesting Honey a Top Priority!


"The Future of Hive Monitoring: Smart Beehives"

OPEN 9th January - compliments of 2023!

The Future of Hive Monitoring: Smart Beehives 

Beehives are getting smarter every day, thanks to advances in technology. Smart beehives are equipped with sensors and other monitoring devices that allow beekeepers to remotely monitor the health and activity of their bees.

One of the most popular types of smart beehives is the Beewise system, which uses sensors to track the temperature, humidity, and other conditions inside the hive. The system also includes a camera that allows beekeepers to remotely observe the bees and check for signs of pests or diseases.

Smart beehives can also track the comings and goings of the bees, providing valuable data on their foraging patterns and other behaviors. This data can help beekeepers to optimize hive management and increase honey production..

Have a Blast from the Past
I was fortunate and blessed to be in Ukraine in 2013. At the time, there were some international speakers from the Middle East.

The showcase displayed how the university had invested in developing SMART monitoring connected to satellites which measured in real-time the hive temperature both internally and externally, counted the number of bees coming and going as well as recording the internal sound produced by the colony.

It was amazing to see as they also provided the feed to the larger university community for further study. Schools as well were able to subscribe to basic data too for classrooms.

Reminder: this was all in 2013! But the spec on the equipment was way out of the budget of 95% of beekeepers in the industry. It's come a long way to be made available for the mainstream albeit quite a hefty price tag based in USD currency and shipping.

We Are Open Now

Success Stories From the Swarm Catcher

"With these tools and tips, I have regularly been able to place 20 catch boxes on a site, matching the resources above and in the start beekeeping academy, and filled up to 16 boxes within 7-10 days with new swarms to manage and do bee farming."








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