Subject: New Bee Video & Final Call to Bee Course

always bees
Easy Buzzing Bee Course 

Final call to new beekeepers! Our Bee course for September is just about full!
It runs this Saturday the 18th Sept! It's packed with info to discover about bees. You also get to put on a bee suit and gloves and actually work with a live bee hive while looking for the queen bee!
Check out one of our latest " target="_blank">bee course video clips for a glimpse of the Easy Buzzing bee course experience!  Register your spot now for Saturday after you check out more on the Bee course!
Experts's advice
Keep an eye out for Cape Bee infestation. With loads of trekking swarms about this time of year there is a chance that some of them could end up being Cape Bee colonies looking for a new home - your catch box!
It is vital that when you inspect your bee hives that you check for presence of any Capensus, especially new swarms.
Unfortunately, the Capensus is considered a pest in Gauteng and needs to be destroyed on identification.   

Low Tech Honey Filtering
Ever been told you need a honey extractor to harvest and filter your honey? Well, besides it almost costing you a car to purchase an extractor you could do better by just using your car!
We've made a short bee video series on how we filter honey from bee removals that is easy to do for anyone and costs almost nothing!
Check out our low tech honey filtering system on the site!  

Beekeeping Business Solutions

The next Easy Buzzing be course will run on the 21st October.

Bee sure to register early on as bee season is on! The longer you postpone getting involved with bees now the more you miss out!


We are looking to offer a Queen rearing course in 2011.

Interested parties should inform of us of their intentions, focus and needs in this regard.


Bees are already trekking. After catching 5 new swarms at a single site last month we are well on our way to meeting out Spring target without having conducted any splitting.

Our bee hives have been confirmed as having colonised new swarms within 48 hours of site placement!

Contact us
Bee Ware
25 Glen Carlou, Bradford Str, Highveld, Centurion
082 359 8787 
086 50 33 055