Subject: Lifecycle of Bees & Beekeeping Seasons

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"The Life Cycle Of Bees"

"and Beekeeping Seasons Make A Massive Difference in Your Beekeeping!"

Celebrate Winter! Bees need feeding!


Feeding Strengthens Colonies


The Life Cycle + Seasonal Patterns

To Truly Excel in Beekeeping You Must Know This...

To truly excel in beekeeping in South Africa, it's crucial to understand the lifecycle of bees and the seasonal patterns that dictate their behaviour. By aligning your practices with these natural rhythms, you can effectively manage your hives and ensure the well-being of your bee colonies.

The life cycle of bees is a fascinating journey, starting with the queen laying eggs in the comb cells. These eggs hatch into larvae, which are then nurtured by nurse bees through a process known as brood rearing. Gradually, the larvae go through various developmental stages, including the pupal stage, until they emerge as adult workers (typically 20 days) or drone bees (23-24-days). Males are called drones and take longer to emerge than female workers do. Queen bees are the fastest to emerge in just 14/15 days!

By understanding the life cycle you can maximise the growth and expansion before during and after specific seasons. Also, brood management is key and applying development stage calendar schedules to ensure your success! Our Bee training is the best way to up your understanding of this...


Throughout the year, different tasks and activities must be performed based on the specific beekeeping season. Spring is a time of renewal and growth, marked by the build-up of bee populations and the expansion of brood. It's crucial to closely monitor hive conditions, provide adequate food sources, and conduct swarm prevention measures during this period.

Bee Swarm Lure Attractant - Single Sachet
Bee Swarm Lure Attractant - Single Sachet

Vita’s Honeybee Swarm Attractant Wipe - *Shipping not included*

The honeybee swarm lure helps to attract passing swarms and to lure swarms temporarily hanging in trees and other awkward places into a skep or box containing the swarm attractant. It will even reduce the risks of swarms leaving the apiary if a bait hive contains the attractant. One wipe is R65 and a BOX is R650 excluding post. Shipping is not included. It comes in a small sachet and resembles a cleansing wipe. It is impregnated with essential oils extracted from plants.   We courier most areas in South Africa when the orders are placed online!! Come collect in Hennopspark, Centurion! To activate, the sachet can be pierced or torn open and hung in an empty hive, skep or other suitable containers, or it can be wiped over the surf
ZAR 65.00

Summer is the peak of honey production, as bees tirelessly forage for nectar and pollen. Beekeepers need to ensure a plentiful supply of floral resources and maintain strong, healthy colonies to maximize honey yields. Regular hive inspections, disease management, and maintaining optimal hive ventilation become key priorities.

What are your thoughts on synthetic honey production?

Astonishing Blue Book, Beekeeping in South Africa
Astonishing Blue Book, Beekeeping in South Africa
ZAR 490.00
Buy now

As autumn approaches, the focus shifts to hive preparation for the upcoming winter. This involves reducing the hive size, bees insulating the hive with propolis, and ensuring sufficient food stores for the bees to survive the colder months. It's also a time for beekeepers to assess the health of their colonies, monitor varroa mite levels, and address any issues before the onset of winter.

Winter is a critical period for bee survival, as bees form a tight cluster to generate heat and conserve energy. Beekeepers may provide insulation, minimize disturbances, and ensure access to emergency food if necessary. Feeding with sugar water and internal feeder frames is best!

Monitoring hive weight and conducting periodic checks help determine if supplemental feeding is required. (We teach this on our bee courses.)

By understanding the life cycle of bees and the seasonal demands of beekeeping, you can optimize your management strategies.

Observing and responding to the natural behaviours of bees during different seasons will enable you to provide the necessary support and create a harmonious environment for your colonies.

This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions, prevent issues, and foster the thriving success of your beekeeping operation in Southern Africa.

How To Prepare For Spring? Here's How!

By preparing for the season ahead now - Spring Time - you can build your apiary and harvest more honey! Here's how!

Get super chambers and catch boxes now so you are ready for the expansion phase which will actually start in August!

Astonishing Blue Book, Beekeeping in South Africa
ZAR 490.00
Buy now
Astonishing Blue Book, Beekeeping in South Africa








"Feeders For Winter

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