Subject: Jackson Hive harvest videos

Season is on...
Updated news - Jackson hives

We recently caught another 7 trekking swarms with our 5-frame catch boxes. Exciting stuff! But in addition to this Tim Jackson, the Jackson hive designer, gave us the opportunity to assist in harvesting honey from his Jackson hive apiary.
Tim recently underwent major surgery and asked if I could help with his apiary. What a pleasure to work with bees in his Jackson hive.
I took some videos of the Jackson hive apiary for you to check it out for yourself!
Experts's advice
The Jackson hive contains 25 full brood frames that can be interchangeable with the Langstroth bee hive. That's the equivalent of a complete langstroth bee hive with brood and super chamber plus another two super chambers on top in volume!
The same value of the Jackson hive is R741 for an equivalent investment in the Langstroth of R1110 including the queen excluder.
Take a look at how easy it is to work with these Jackson hive on our bee videos...
Why try a Jackson hive?
Tim designed the Jackson hive using over 30 years of beekeeping experience and observation across Africa.
Bees build their hive differently to that of the influence of the Langstroth in the wild. The Jackson bee hive reports friendlier working conditions for the beekeeper, more productive environment for the bees and no queen excluder required.
The Jackson bee hive is supplied throughout Africa with excellent success. 

Beekeeping Business Solutions

Bees build so quickly in the Jackson hive that there is no need to use honey extractors. The best way to harvest honey from the Jackson is by using the bucket system we show you in the bee video.

It takes little over 5 minutes to harvest honey this way. 


Our bee course runs this Saturday at Northern Farm near Diepsloot on the R114 to Muldersdrift from the Hartbeesport off ramp from the N14.

The next date for our Beekeeping Course is the 20th November!


Try a Jackson hive in the same apiary site with a new Langstroth hive with bees at the same time.

Compare your results over time of about 3 months to start. Overall we found the Jackson hive beats the Langstroth in production hands down.

Contact us
082 359 8787 
086 50 33 055