How easy is it to find you and your beekeeping business? We OPERATE the largest beekeeping warehouse in Africa stocking honey tanks, honey pumps, honey extractors, honey bottlers and beeswax presses while selling honey, beeswax and bee hives. There's a problem... We have many customers and beekeepers we know and work with everyday and ALL of them are looking for more business to make more income! We get calls everyday for bee removers, people doing bee courses in other provinces, beekeepers that sell raw local honey and farmers that want pollination services with new beekeepers wanting to buy bee swarms... It would be really awesome to be able to have a list of people who we can refer all this beekeeping business to by connecting beekeepers doing beekeeping activities, products and services in the local area that a customer is looking to buy and purchase from to share their contact details... This is HOW the Beekeeping Hub Directory listing works for members that register and pay an annual fee. Visitors to the Beekeeping Hub |