Subject: Honey Processing Hot List!

Got Honey That You Need To Process?

Honey Processing Hot List!

Are you getting ready for honey harvest and processing?

Hi Friend,

I have hand picked some our best honey harvesting and processing equipment for you!! These are all tuned to making your harvesting and processing simpler and more efficient when it comes to saving you time and producing more honey!

Check Out the Honey Varietals Available

By harvesting and processing your super frames SMARTLY you get more honey!

Now, if you can make it so that you can harvest your honey and put the frames back into the super and it back onto the hive faster with minimal damage to the honeycomb cells - your bees will simply refill that super within 7-10 days!


By ENSURING That You Harvest Well And Extract Honey Like this...

You could use an 8-way escape to get the worker bees out of the super before you go to collect it for harvesting and processing - usually not practical for big operators!

You can use an uncapping fork, knife or our favourite - the electric uncapping scraper to remove the cappings that seal the honey and keep it from being easily extracted!

You can use the double strainers with bur comb, messed up comb or bee removal comb that has been damaged or is not on a firm frame for using in an extractor.

Test the moisture content of your honey before you extract it for bottling with a refractometer which should be set between 16-18.6% water.

For those without an extractor and perhaps just one or 2 hives, consider the wax press or honey conical strainer as your method to extract your honey!

Once you have a full super coming in for harvesting and extraction, you really should be replacing it with an empty one to go back on the hive to avoid your bees from splitting following the huge loss of extra colony space...

Plus, they will very readily fill up the extracted super frames within 7-10 days and will be ready for another additional super chamber to build and start to fill up!!

Finally, the main reason an extractor using Langstroth super frames is the most efficient way to extract honey is that once done the comb is mostly still reusable. After you put the frames back in the super and that super back on the colony it came from, they WILL REFILL IT within 7-10 DAYS given that food is available!

The Honey Hot List!

Double Honey Strainer
Double Honey Strainer

Double Honey Strainer

Stainless steel double strainer for effective honey filtering and straining.


ZAR 285.00
Super Chambers -assembled in full
Super Chambers -assembled in full

Super Chambers -assembled in full! - *shipping not included**

Bee WARE supplies super chambers ready & assembled for use in the field on existing bee colonies and apiaries!

Supplied with wax strips only and all frames wired and assembled the honey super chamber is made to be used immediately!

It has been weather treated with Waksol already which will keep it protected for at least 5 years, longer if well maintained.

They each contain 10 assembled frames. Made to fit Langstroth sizes and are compatible with all langstroth design beehives!

They weigh an estimated 7Kg each when shipped.Queen excluders are NOT included.

Postage is additional cost and goes on volume pricing.


Tracking is provided once payment is received and goods are posted. Travel is usually 3-5 working days from time

ZAR 560.00
Manual Wax Press
Manual Wax Press

Manual Wax Press

Honeycomb wax press is a manual wax press machine for processing honeycomb and cappings from honey harvests not using frames. It is a manual wax press that requires corkscrew type manual twisting to make the vice move lower and higher to squeeze the comb so the honey can escape by way of crushing the comb and cappings. The honey then escapes down the sides and out the funnel at the front end. This leaves the beeswax behind and is about 85% clean of honey. Not all residue is removed using this process however it is effective. The beeswax forms a round shaped cake for further handling and processing. Run the honey through a double strainer which is a macro filter made from stainless steel into buckets and or settling tanks.
ZAR 3,010.00


Moisture content is vital in determining the ripeness of honey as too much moisture leads to fermentation and degradation of the honey.

Where moisture is 16-18% the content is considered mature and the honey is ripe.

This unit is a mobile unit that can be used anywhere.

Refractometers are used to measure moisture content in honey for grading purposes.

ZAR 1,144.00
Honey Gate - Plastic
Honey Gate - Plastic

Honeygate Tap

Plastic honeygate taps are used to help bottle honey from a bucket or other type of container. Our honeygates are yellow and made from plastic. They include the typical scissor action to help prevent leaks when pouring honey. Cut a hole in the bucket and place one half inside the bucket near the bottom. Place the other half outside the bucket or container. Screw them together and make it tight. Test it with honey or water. Make sure the seal is closed tight and the hole you cut out is at the lowest part of the bucket or container. Do not cut the hole bigger or larger than the diameter of the tap itself. The diameter of the honeygate tap is 40mm wide.
ZAR 224.00
Nylon Conical Honey Strainer
Nylon Conical Honey Strainer

Nylon Strainer Honey Filter

Mesh Nylon strainer honey filter with wire rim inlay that fits large buckets for filtering crushed honey comb. Looks a lot like a white witch's hat made from nylon and is great for straining honey when crushing the honey and not using an extractor. Nylon conical strainers are the perfect tool for when you are crushing the honeycomb and not using a spinner to harvest the honey. The Nylon Conical strainer or honey strainer filter works like a big tea bag keeping the beeswax inside and letting the honey drip through.
ZAR 145.00
8-Way Bee Escape - Yellow Plastic
8-Way Bee Escape - Yellow Plastic
It's the 8-way bee escape used for getting bees out of the super chamber and into the brood chamber so that it is possible to remove the super chamber without many bees still inside it. We don't sell the wooden component but any plastic or wooden or even cardboard can be used as you cut a hole in it and place the bee escape over the hole where the bees will enter and then they walk out the 8 escape routes and down into the brood chamber. One of the hassle of harvesting honey is how to get the bees out of the super chamber... Well, now you know you can use the 8-way bee escape! Postage or courier is extra. Collection is free from the store in Centurion.
ZAR 80.00
Uncapping knife
Uncapping knife
Uncapping knife for uncapping the beeswax seal on the honeycomb to allow for the honey to escape and extract easily and without damaging the comb cells. This way, they can be refilled very quickly and you could harvest again within 7-10 days.
ZAR 135.00
4-Frame Honey Extractor - Manual
4-Frame Honey Extractor - Manual

4-Frame Stainless Steel Honey Extractor - Manual

Fits both super frames and brood frames for spinning honey.
  This item goes well with: Intermediate Bee course for maximising your honey production and making more bee colonies to use or sell.  

How best to use honey spinners with expert tutorials

  [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="548"]ZAR 4,940.00