Subject: Honey Extractors & Propolis Trays

  Honey Extractors & Propolis
   Bee  Ware
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As we move into the winter of the bee season it is unusual to focus on honey extraction equipment.

Recently, I invested some time with a reasonably new beekeeper [2013] who owns a citrus, macadamia and mango orchard in Limpopo province, Gauteng. 

She owns 19 honeybee colonies in her apiary which is fantastic & has mostly single super chambers. In order to extract the honey she needed to crush it and filter it by hand. I advised her that this is a bad idea due to its inefficiency.    

We discussed at length the reasons behind this & in a nutshell she needs to increase her apiary to 60 bee hives and invest in a 12 Frame electric honey extractor - even with 19 colonies a 6 frame is ideal - and here's why!         

Do you know how long it takes to fill a 'wet super' during a nectar flow?    
I advised the client that if she had simply extracted the honey with a honey spinner & placed the 'wet comb' back in the super chamber & back in the field on her orchards that it would be a matter of 7-10 days for the super chamber to be completely full & ready to harvest again

How can this be? 
Bees take an immense amount of energy & resources to build honey comb onto frames! Every time a beekeeper destroys the hardworking efforts of their bees by harvesting the comb while trying to harvest honey by crushing it is literally interrupting the nectar flow for bees. 

You see, if you harvest honeycomb & crush it you remove the storage units for any further honey production and replace it with weeks of reconstruction for the bees! By the time they replace the removed honey comb on the frames the nectar flow of most crops, orchards & flowers is over, the opportunity gone!    

What is the difference in honey yield?
If your peak nectar flow lasts 4-5 weeks then your super chamber is full & you harvest it by end of week 2 or in week 3, your honey flow stops and you only enjoy a single harvest.
Scenario B) goes like this: You invest in an additional super chamber & a honey extractor suitable for your budget & apiary size. You harvest your first super full of glorious natural raw honey with about 10Kg from 10 full frames. [Make sure it is ripe of course before doing so.] You place the empty super on to the bee hive at the same time as taking the full one off.
After 48 hours of extracting you place the now 'wet' super back on to the bee hive with all the honeycomb intact. The bees continue to fill the wet cells with new honey while continuing to build the new honeycomb from scratch in the empty super.   

By the end of the nectar flow of the crop or orchard the first super is ready to be harvested again at end of week 4 or 5. Using about 16 hives as a case study and selling the honey wholesale, you make the money back on the first harvest you paid for the honey extractor and make your profit on the second harvest. 
Plus we haven't yet counted the second super that was added which will now also have honeycomb.  [Based on the price of a 6 frame extractor]     
     Email for more details 

Queen bee in hive
Can you spot her? The queen bee [above] is the only fertile female in the Scutellata colony and therefore the only bee that can properly lay eggs of either male or female workers. The Cape worker is reproductive capable raising concern over the relocation into Scutellata territory!
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  First Steps
    Keep reading articles, bee books
   We will be sending you tips, articles and news about beekeeping that will help you to better understand the benefits of bees for all of us!
Our recommended first steps are that you get hold of the blue book, Beekeeping in South Africa which is available on our website by mail order or if you collect in Centurion.

Southern Hemisphere: Colonies should be foraging still on Cosmos in parts of RSA. It's a beautiful honey however not usually a single floral source honey.                 

Northern Hemisphere help colonies winter down. Various places around the world use thermal protection for their bees. Tactics include long term feeding with sugar water and other protein based supplements such as soya mixed with yeast. 

Unless you have a winter crop it is wise to remove supers and provide bees with sunny positions.  Insulate your bees with blankets or pillows using a spare empty super chamber.      
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Bee DVD 
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Love bees but cannot make the bee course to get started? Get our Bee DVD by mail order for R320 excl. p+p 
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  Online Deal!
Our complete assembled bee hives ONLY R690!
Order  today [33 units]  

Propolis Trays:
Propolis trays are used for harvesting raw propolis & for sale at R70 each 

3 Frame extractors:
Stainless steel drum, honeygate
 tap & manual gear. R2700
Buy Extractors  

Authorised Dealers:
Cape Town
East London
White River/ Nelspruit

Beekeeping course 
May 10th
R650 pp 
R100 to hire bee suit    
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