Subject: Home-Made Solar Wax Melter - Success!


Home-Made Solar Wax Melter Scores!
Now on Facebook!
Spring time in Southern Hemishpere

Exciting news is that Bee WARE is now on Facebook! Find our Facebook Page now...

We have recently built a home made Solar Wax Melter as a Dad-&-Son weekend project! How easy was that to do? We bought all the necessary supplies which include a short list of common household items such as: 1x roll of aluminium foil, 1x roll of cling wrap, 2x plastic black bags, staples, stapler & cardboard box.

Take a stock 4 size cardboard box and cut the box to show a slanted front-to-back angle of about 45 degrees. Cover the bottom of the box all around and up the sides with the black plastic bags. Staple the black plastic bags to the inside of the card board box using about 2-3cm of the inside of the box as the lip with the rest of the bag on th eoutside of the cardboard box. TIP: cover the underside of the box as well! 

Take the aluminium foil and insulate the inside of the box on all sides and floor. Again staple regularly to ensure there is a tight fit. Make sure you also overlap on the outside by about 2 cm all around as well with foil. Finally, take the cling wrap clear plastic and cover the open space of the box to retain the heat inside. Start on the left of the box to the middle and right to the middle.

TIP: this allows for the 'loading' of wax containers into the middle of the box between the 2 halves of cling wrap. To keep the middle slit closed, place a glove or similar item to keep it closed. Wind can blow inside and remove heat.

Watch the SA Bee Journal for a a rendition of our Solar Wax melter by Hans Blokker after we showed him the Pilot Project!   
It won't take more than 3 minutes! We have timed it... So please take our Honey Survey now.
Solar Wax Melter - Home-Made
Honey Experts's advice
Beekeepers should be preparing for a harvest soon. After the first Spring rains flowers and trees have begun blooming all over the country. A number of citrus, litchi and sunflower crops are in bloom.

Established colonies with a season or more under the belt could easily harvest a super chamber of honey in 10 days on a high nectar yielding crop. Be sure to capitalise on this potential opportunity.

If you have a spinner or access to one, best to uncap the honeycomb and extract with a spinner as this speeds up the second harvest by weeks. Reason: Bees don't have to rebuild the honeycomb if you cut it out.

On a citrus nectar flow of around 3 week's a super chamber can be filled 2-and-a-half times.          

If you are brand new then get hold of a Blue book, or Practical Beekeeping ebook and come on a beginner beekeeping course.           
Easy Buzzing bee course 27th October
Easy Buzzing Bee course for beginners is running again likely to be the 27th October near Lanseria airport!

Visit the Bee course section on our website for further details. 

This months Bee course is VITAL regarding timing starting Beekeeping!

PEAK month for beekeeping is Sept & Spring Kick off! 

Learn more on our bee course!
Beekeeping Business Solutions P.S. - Please email
Take our Quick Honey survey
Beginner beekeeping course will be running again 27th October.

It's a full day of beginner beekeeping training with at least 90 minutes of REAL Bee work as you open a working bee hive and inspect for pests, honey and the queen bee!

Feel free to forward this email to a friend!
  We offer start up kits for beginner beekeepers.

Purchase any of the items below separately or as a starter kit:

Bee hives
Bee suits - detachable veil
Hive tool
Bee smoker
Bee gloves | frame wire
queen excluders
  Feed your existing colonies sugar water in leak proof freezer bags! But remember to give them a 5 day break inbetween.

Prepare by finding and securing new sites, clearing them and procuring trap boxes, bee hives and accessories for the 2012 season! 

Maximise nectar flows by ensuring bees are well cared for & regularly inspected and serviced!  
Contact us
082 359 8787
10am - 16h00 Mon - Fri
Week days only!
Holiday closing date: 1-14 April
 086 50 33 0 55







Blue book handbook of Beekeeping in South AfricaBee Course DVD video trainingBee Smoker with Heat guardQueen Excluders