Subject: "Have You Planned for Harvest Time?" Bees Aren't waiting...

"Why these tools make it easier + simpler!"

 Harvest Your Dream Honey  

"O-Bee-Wan© here..."

"Have You Planned for Harvest time..?

"Why You Need These Tools!"

Celebrate Spring! Bees ARE Trekking NOW!


Attend to Your Bees Now!


"3 Major Things Your Bees Are Doing Now"

Bees Doing #1: Pollinating anything that flowers in the area - labouring as the hands of mother nature!  

Bees Doing #2: Foraging the heck out of anything flowering at the moment...

Bees Doing #3: Producing honey!

Why: Why you have to Act?

Issue #1: Harvesting and extracting honey takes planning! {It's messy and requires specific tools - for all budgets}

Also note, your bees will be excessively aggressive during honey season due to their instinct to protect their stored honey.

Smoking and super chamber handling can be utilised properly to lower their reactionary levels. To find out more, check out Start Beekeeping Academy

Issue #2: Filtering and Bottling honey!

{Double Strainers, pantyhose and cheesecloth work well}

Issue #3: Marketing your honey with labels, jars etc

{Lebeling regulations are a THING*. Pricing and selling your honey}

#Action Plan: How to Act

{Colonies are in FULL Expansion Mode - Southern Hemisphere}

Action #1: Have budget set aside for your best option to extract your honey:

  1. Hobby beekeepers can use honey processing facilities or get manual extractors, make drip trays, wax presses

  2. Small beekeepers target electric honey spinners 4, 8 and 12 frames

  3. Medium to large beekeepers best ability is using multiple electric extractors of 12-frames with honey pump + bottling machine / bottling facility

Action #2: Process Your Honey With These Options

  1. Double strain it using stainless steel strainers

  2. Filter it with VIRGIN/Unused pantyhose / cheesecloth

  3. Let it settle in stainless steel settling tanks with airtight sealing lids

  4. Honey should 'rest' overnight to allow impurities to float to the top and air bubbles to escape too. {Then you can scrape them off with a spoon}

  5. Honey pumps can be used to move your honey in bulk from buckets/tanks to larger or other air tight container

Action #3: Bottling and labeling Your Liquid Gold

  1. Bottling is important for pricing, packaging and your market

  2. Labeling is not a CHOICE. It's a legal requirement with absolute stipulations {A chapter in our online beekeeping academy)

  3. Honey bottling facilities provide services on bulk or custom

  4. Honey bottling machines for medium to large producers are available

Success Stories From the Swarm Catcher

"With these tools and tips, I have regularly been able to place 20 catch boxes on a site, matching the resources above and in the start beekeeping academy, and filled up to 16 boxes within 7-10 days with new swarms to manage and do bee farming."








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o-BEE-wan © 2022 is copyright of Warrick Selzer . All rights reserved worldwide.