Subject: For the love of bees and honey

Learning curve in beekeeping

Cut the Curve To Beekeeping!

Thank you for learning about bees with my tips and emails!

Click the image above to start ordering bee kits and tools!

"What is Your Purpose With Bees?"

"One of the simplest questions, yet often overlooked! 

"It's time to analyse your journey..."

"Cutting Your Learning Curve Process"

What's In the Cost of Education? 

  • Faster route to purpose!

  • You Gain Confidence In Your Passion!

  • Choosing the Best route of your purpose with bees.

  • Fewer losses of bees

  • Beginner Padiwan Course [full day]

  • Intermediate Jedi Course [full day]

  • Commercial Bee Removal [2 days + 2 evenings]

  • Advanced Master Bee Course [full day business training]

"Saving bees paid for my car & holidays"

By getting the Padiwan lessons I learnt with Dr Anton in 2003, I slashed my learning curve. I dug deep by studying the Blue Book, Beekeeping in South Africa written by Dr Martin J Johannesmeier.

After that course I got insights of the scope in beekeeping. My mind was blown out of the water by what was possible. The simplicity. The complexity. The hive of purpose to be sought in beekeeping was multi-leveled.

I decided to follow the process from Padiwan to Master using Bee Removals to fund the building the number of my hives and finding apiary sites.

In the first year and half I just kept a few hives. Tested the Langstroth out. Tried the Jackson Horizontal Hives too. Lost them in a veld fire. That was sad. 

I decided with the ideas I had and the purpose I chose, to run my own business, that I had to build beeyond having a couple of bee hives.

Many Padiwan Beekeepers, like 85% of ALL newbee beekeepers, want to keep bees to help them be safe and have a bit of honey. This means keeping between 2-4 bee hives on or near their home. How about you?  

"All paid by things to do with bees"

In the time I removed bees and grew my apiaries, I was also able to pay my car off - granted it was a Hyandai Getz 1.4L - and go away to Cape Town for two weeks with my family of four. All paid by things to do with bees...

Most people will be able to gain some honey in the first year of keeping bees. The bee season starts in august of every year in South Africa. It runs through to about May the following year. This varies depending on where you live and keep bees slightly.

The hive cycle sees bees building, then expanding and finally storing excess. This can take up to a year in a hobby situation, where bees are locked in a single location, with limited access to changing and flowering flora. This translates into the potential of harvesting around 5 kilograms the first year.

The national average in South Africa is 15 kilograms a year however this leans to output for a mature colony that is in its second year of life.

From whatever walk of life, the learning curve with any new skill is huge. Always seek mentors that have walked the path you have.

"Seek mentors that walked your path"   

With experience comes knowledge. Hacks. Tips. Insights. Shortcuts. Highlights. Drawbacks. Lessons. Skills. Reward. Benefit. Study. Dedication. Commitment. Value. Worth.

Bee Your Best©


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ANY Padiwan Beekeepers Wanting Workshops

 Specifically Developed Beginner Bee Courses Offered in Midrand at our Bee Training Institute Venue.

(and we've trained over 1700 NewBee Padiwan Beekeepers)

Here's the link for Course Dates to become a Padiwan!

Click Below!

"Beekeeping education makes all the difference!"


It's a matter of which beginner course do you want to come on that suits your budget and goals?"

"Come Discover Beekeeping From a Master Jedi!"

"Discover in my next email..."

"Where to now?"