Subject: Festive Promotion - 36 hours left!


  Blue book promo!

Now on Facebook!
Summer time in Southern Hemishpere

Exciting news is that Bee WARE is now on Facebook! Find our Facebook Page now...Our Solar wax melter still rocks! See the finished example to the right! 

Trading will be closed on the 14th until the 7th January
It means that we will not be available for this period or any online orders passed this time.

Get a bee DVD & Beekeeping in South Africa, Blue Book combination for only R525 plus R40 postage!!

Valid for only 36 hours! 

Happy Holidays and safe travels over the festive season!!  
Blue book handbook of Beekeeping in South AfricaBee Course DVD video training
Honey Experts's advice
Sometimes, we forget about servicing our hives or even don't get to them as often as we would like to.

A client recently told me about their experience where they were given 2 bee hives that have not been looked after for many years!

The comb is all brown and or even black. The super and brood are totally built up with bhur comb and even the queen excluder was propolised closed except for a few tunnel-like holes joining the two boxes.

When the client tried to open the hive the bees were extremely aggressive and hardly let up while they worked the colony. In this situation, the comb is so dark because over time the bees propolise the comb to make it stronger.

It is important to service your colonies at least once a year by removing the comb from two of the brood frames and returning them back into the brood chamber with little comb left up to the first wire. Everything else should be removed. Filter it, crush it and wax cakes to feed back to the colony a week later.

If you are a brand new beekeeper then get hold of a Blue book, or Practical Beekeeping ebook and come on a beginner beekeeping course.           
Easy Buzzing bee course 26th January
Easy Buzzing Bee course for beginners is running again likely to be the 26th January near Lanseria airport!

Visit the Bee course section on our website for further details. 

PEAK month for beekeeping is Sept & Spring Kick off! January is great for Sunflowers and another secondary blooms.

Learn more on our bee course!
Beekeeping Business Solutions P.S. - Please email
Take our Quick Honey survey
Beginner beekeeping course will be running again 26th January.

It's a full day of beginner beekeeping training with at least 90 minutes of REAL Bee work as you open a working bee hive and inspect for pests, honey and the queen bee!

Feel free to forward this email to a friend!
  We offer start up kits for beginner beekeepers.

Purchase any of the items below separately or as a starter kit:

Bee hives
Bee suits - detachable veil
Hive tool
Bee smoker
Bee gloves | frame wire
queen excluders
  For a great holiday gift why not surprsie someone with a Bee book like the Beekeeping in South Africa for R280 + P+P!! It's packed with over 280 pages of beekeeping info, tips, special management and more!

Another festive gift for family or friends would be the Bee DVD - Bee Secrets and Practical bee course DVD available for R320 +P+P!

For the next 36 HOURS ONLY we offer a special for the combination of the Bee Book & Bee DVD for R525!
Contact us
082 359 8787
10am - 16h00 Mon - Fri
Week days only!
Holiday closing date: 1-14 April
 086 50 33 0 55







Bee Smoker with Heat guardQueen Excluders