Subject: Festive Bee Course Special & 2011 Goals

always golden
Welcome to Beekeeping 

We've taken a decision to create a special Festive deal as the last minute beekeeping course of 2010.
We realise that all of us will be looking forward to a well deserved break over the festive season and spoiling family & friends.
As it is the festive season soon, we would like to take the opportunity to offer a special beekeeping course on the 11th December at a special rate.
As long as we get a minimum of three people registered we will run the bee course.
** The shop is closed while "Out of Office" from the 26th November to 6th December **
Experts's advice
As the year goes into the festive season, things have a tendency to quieten down to a slower pace. We may not always think so, but this time of year can go quicker than any other time.
We like to use the December month to catch up on the "stuff" we just didn't get the time to do throughout the year. Special focus is put on planning and setting goals for 2011.
Some of our goals include a Queen bee rearing course, a commercial honey operator tour, downloadable beekeeping course videos and the launch of an online honey shop. Set your own goals this December for 2011. Goals are vital for creating success in life.

Why us ?
We provide training on site as well as monthly in JHB for beginner beekeepers and new projects.
We supply the majority of equipment you need to start beekeeping including bee suits, bee gloves, bee hives, bee smokers, hive tools and queen excluders, frame wire, beeswax and wax spur embedders.
Did you know we have been in business for 7 years? Next year will be our 8th year in the business of supplying beekeeping equipment.

Beekeeping Business Solutions

We recently developed a custom Commercial Honey Operator Tour for delegates from a college in Botswana.

We will be offering this Small Commercial Operator tour to our readers in 2011 as a package. It will be limited to a handful of delegates as travel is required.  The tour is likely to run over 6 days. It will only be offered twice in 2011.


We offer consultation on beekeeping projects nationally and in the greater SADC region.

Our local beekeeping course has inspired delegates to come from Botswana, Namibia and Mozambique to start beekeeping.


Our "Online Beekeeping Course" videos will be available for download before Christmas 2010 and includes over 3 hours of actual video footage for anyone to download worldwide.

The official launch will take place in 2011 however readers can purchase the early bird edition in December at special rate.

Contact us
082 359 8787
086 50 33 055
** The shop is closed while "Out of Office" from the 26th November to 6th December **