Subject: Easy buzzing Bee Course & Update

Beekeeping Course
Start farming honey
HI Friend !!
Welcome to Beekeeping

Our next Easy Buzzing Bee Course is running on the 19th June 2010! We look at how to start beekeeping, industry concerns and markets for honey!
We show you with a practical LIVE demo of a bee hive how to try find the queen bee, what the different bees look like and how the honey comb is different in each part of an ACTIVE bee hive!
Put on your bee suit or rent one for the day and come learn about keeping bees!
Experts's advice
Right now is the best time to prepare for the next bee season or nectar flow. You want to start beekeeping and aren't sure what to do to get going.
First off, get registered on a bee course for beginners especially wtih a focus on the practical side so you can get your hands dirty. It's great knowing theory but beekeeping is all ACTIVITY!
Follow up a good bee course with the purchase of a copy of good bee book like Beekeeping in South Africa (Blue Book) or our very own Practical Beekeeping book available as a PDF download for just $17 anytime.
Then get hold of some good beekeeping equipment especially trap boxes and find a good site with blue gums, sunflower and or lavender crops and put them out end of July.
What else?
Between now and end of July, ensure you have at least 2 trap boxes and 2 complete bee hives, a queen excluder, bee suit, gloves and smoker with hive tool.
Approach farmers and plot owners to get permission to place your bees on their property from end July. The nectar flow begins in August.
Wild swarms will begin migrating in August and this is the perfect opportunity to offer them a new home in your trap boxes or bee hives or both.
You can get farming bees with little capital investment for a great return that not only includes honey but also a return to bond between man and nature!  

Start Beekeeping Business Solutions

Beekeeping as a business offers excellent returns even though there are obstacles.  

Every year the average harvest is 16Kg of honey per hive which can be increased considerably.

This means you make back more than it cost to buy your bee hive in the first year!


We specialise in bee courses, consulting on rural projects, supply of most beekeeping equipment and bee tools.

We supply raw honey when in stock at reasonable retail prices.

Have a goal of assisting new beekeepers to start the old art of husbandry between nature and man.  


Consider that research is being conducted on the use of bees in flight to detect landmines underground in Mozambique.

NASA is involved in the development of a special high speed radar that can pick up bees in flight then feeding the pattern into a matrix to see hot spots that mark exactly where land mines are buried.

Remarkably, a honey bee has a sense of smell many times stronger than a dogs.

Contact us
Bee Ware
25 Glen Carlou, Centurion
082 359 8787
086 50 33 055