Subject: Easy Buzzing Bee Course Plus Firebreaker warning

Bee Course
always beekeeping
Welcome to Bee Ware
It's almost that time again! Bees will start splitting naturally across the southern hemisphere. The cycle of nature takes place every season. We beekeepers need to take full advantage!
Come on our Easy Buzzing Bee Course on the 14th August in JHB. We offer a full day of bee info and practical 60 min session at the apiary on site!
We also recommend that you make sure that as we move into the next season you have ensured that firebreakers have been cut or that you have managed your apiary site's surrounds grass length.
We've recently left one of our apiary sites for too long and the grass got out of hand... Unfortunately, the unplanned took place and a fire set out on our apiary site which is a farm near Diepsloot.
As it happens, one apiary site had not been cleared for months as it slipped through our list of sites to ensure the firebreaker had been done! We lost 4 hives...
Experts's advice
So our tip for the month going forward is to ensure that your apiary site is always cleared of debri as well as long grass and any other fuel that may cause damage to your bee hives in the event of a fire breaking out.
The fire break should be done every year, at least twice, but especially once the long grass and debri goes dry in about June.
The main focus for any beekeeper is the number of bee hives you have with bee colonies. Besides losing bees by absconsion or vandalism the hardest pill to swallow for a beekeeper is to lose bee hives and bees to fire! Be diligent at managing your apiary sites with fire breakers.

What other preparations: 
Seasonal changes have begun. It is starting to get warmer. Bees can now be fed honey or sugar water to encourage the queen to lay more eggs and to develop a new season's brood to take advantage of the nectar flow.
The sooner you get the queen to lay more eggs the earlier your colony will be in a position to harvest excess honey for you.
Do not feed your bees for longer than 2 weeks at a time. They will get dysentry and die.

 Business Solutions

Suppliers of bee hives, bee tools and bee suits we also offer a bee course on a monthly basis with practical sessions at a live apiary.



Splitting of bee hives will take place naturally now. It will provide the best opportunity for beginners to catch their own swarms. You can learn to split your own colonies with honeybee colony creator! Visit 

  Stock up on trap boxes or nuc boxes and make sure you place them in elevated positions with the bottom bar of the frames painted with honey and or propolis to attract free trekking bee swarms!! For more info, get a copy of the Swarm Catcher ebook now at the site.
Contact us
Bee Ware
25 Glen Carlou, Bradford Str, Highveld, Centurion
082 359 8787 
086 50 33 055