Subject: Easy Buzzing Bee Course 11th Dec Special

always rewarding
Festive Special  - R550 Bee Course

The last Easy Buzzing bee course for 2010 and at the last minute too... will be running this Saturday from 8am until 16h30 roughly.
It is usually R650 per person and we would need at least 3 people to make it happen on Saturday.
If you need to rent a bee suit for the day it is still R100 for the day or feel free to purchase your own bee suit and bee supplies from us at he same time!
Come learn a new skill for life or give someone you love a hobby they'd love!   
Experts's advice
Because it is a time to slow down and take in some relaxation you may want to take some time to do a little maintenance on your apiary while on leave or over a festive weekend.
Due to the heavy nectar flow this year you should have harvested some serious honey. But you should also consider that the hive may require maintenance inside the brood chamber too. Each year - twice a year - you should replace 1-2 brood frames. It ensures the queen bee always has laying space in the brood.

Why Bees?
A new customer recently purchased some equipment from us after being at sea for 5 long years delivering yachts! What a job?
Of course he came to enjoy the benefits of the type of freedom that came with the line of work (call it work?) he was in... I asked why he wanted to get involved with bees and he said, "it seems much like the work I was doing before... "
Big benefits on freedom to work when and how you want and leave most of the actual work to the bees...

Beekeeping Business Solutions

We will be launching an online honey shop shortly as part of our expansion for 2011.

We will be sourcing quality raw filtered honey from local beekeepers with excess harvests at reasonable rates.


We will be visiting our apiary in Mpumalanga next week Thursday on a day trip.

We hope to have some more bee videos and photos for the website then. Watch this space...


Keep an eye out for the release of our online Bee course where you will be able to download around 3 hours of beekeeping videos we recorded earlier this year.

This Online Beekeeping Course will be accessible to anyone with a reasonable internet connection at a really good price! We will announce the launch here!

Contact us
082 359 8787
086 50 33 055