Subject: [Countdown] 36-Days to Spring - Bees Trekking Now!

This pack is what you need to catch bees

"36-Days to Spring - Bees Are Trekking Now!"

If you want to do bee farming, the Start Beekeeping Online Academy is calling!

Bee Ambassadors 

your bee catcher space

Ready for Bee Season?
Thanks so much for joining our exclusive, but not so secret, 

Bee Ware Club Newsletter   

We've prepared a few of our guilty pleasure below – go on treat yourself!

Special edition: Catch Boxes with ventilation

Unleash Swarm Catcher Homes to attract bees in the coming August!

Bee Attractant Lure:

Specialty oil

Join us as we attract bees with lure. No tricks, just get bees!

How did you make it all the way down here?

Take full advantage whilst no-one's looking and

check our whole range by clicking here!

P.S. We have some new bits and pieces!

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