Hi Friend,
Haematology and Immunity and Natural Honey Findings!
Natural honey has been found to be beneficial to people suffering from anaemia. Ajibola et al. (2007) reported enhanced blood profiles in floral honey-fed adult rats [4]. The study recorded improved haemoglobin concentration (iron constituent of Natural Honey played an important role in this), increased erythrocyte count and elevated haematocrit in the honey eaters.
In another laboratory, Chepulis (2007) also documented enhanced haematology and immune response in rats fed 10% honeydew honey supplemented diet. The author noted higher lymphocyte count and increased neutrophil phagocytosis in Natural Honey-fed rats than control. This aligned with previous research that prebiotics can enhance immune function and Natural Honey is known to contain the prebiotics, oligosaccharides.
Human subjects administered with two honey treatments in a Californian study show that honey eaters have the benefit of haematoprotection in addition to blood proliferation. The researchers observed that the aqueous portion of the blood (plasma) is protected by honey. This is in agreement with the fact that most of the antioxidant components in processed honey are water soluble.
In summarizing the facts that honey can be considered to be a satisfactory immuno-nutrient, some workers opine that the oral administration of natural honey can stimulate and increase the production of antibody during primary and secondary immune responses against the T-cells of the thymus-dependent as well as the thymus independent antigens. [source: PMCID: PMC3583289 PMID: 22716101] |