It's a big month for beekeeping and bees IN THE Southern Hemisphere! There's a number of late-blooming crops in the southern hemisphere that our Apis Mellifera Scutellata and Capensis honey bees love to forage on + plus their cousins! Take advantage of these if you have just decided to start beekeeping to catch bees - we talk about this on one of our YouTube Videos - {Bee Season - ep.3}. Crops & Plants Honeybees WANT Right Now:Applebox - Rank N3P3 White Flowering Gum - Rank N3P2 [WC,EC] River Red Gum - Rank N3P2 Sugar Gum - Rank N4P1 [WC, EC] Narrow Leaf Ironbark - Rank N3P1 Brown Barrel / Cut Tail - Rank N2P3 [MP, KZN] Spotted Gum - Rank N3P3 Saligna Gum - Rank N4P3 [NP, MP, KZN] Forest Red Gum - Rank N4P4 Acacia Karroo / Sweet Thorn - Rank N2P2 Acacia Mellifera / Swarthaak - Rank N3P2 [NC, NW] Honey Locust - Rank N2P3 Jacaranda - Rank N2P2 Canary Island Palm - Rank N0P3 Black Locust - Rank N3P1 Marula - Rank N3P2 [NW, MP, KZN, NP] Waterberry - Rank N3P1 Buffalo Thorn - Rank N3P1 Lucern - Rank N3P1 (If left to flower*) Seradella - Rank N3P1 [SC,WC] Blue Bush / Bloubos - Rank N2P2* Highveld Proteas - Rank N2P2