Subject: Beekeeping in 2011

always sweet
Welcome to 2011 ~ Goals!

We achieved 40 bee hives as at 31 Dec 2010 which is not bad going considering we started with 2 established bee colonies Dec 2009.


Our next aim is to focus strictly on a queen rearing and splitting programme. We plan to offer a queen rearing course later this year as well as a Beekeeping Tour. Both of these courses will be run over multiple days in order to fully appreciate the experience. We will provide more detail on these Advanced Beekeeping courses in February.

In the meantime, we have launched an internet version of our Beekeeping Course 35 Minute Mini Course for the international market to download. We are still busy with the South African edition which will consist of over 3 hours of REAL Footage of our Beekeeping Course available on DVD!

Expert's advice
We will be developing a new section of the site for newsletter subscribers! It will include private bee videos and progress notes on our commercial project. Only subscribers will have access to the site as an added benefit for keeping in touch and improving beekeeping skills across the globe.
Subscribers will also be notified first of new beekeeping course dates as well as the Beekeeping Tour we will be arranging later in 2011. Our Queen Rearing course will also be discounted for subscribers that pre-register.

Consider Feeding Apiaries 
With all of the rain taking place around Gauteng and other parts of the country, your BEES are not able to fly to their food source! It means the entire colony is put under pressure! No new food stores collected during the rainy days ensures that pollen and honey inside the hive will be utilised to fuel the colony over this period.
This creates two issues: 1) Your bees don’t produce excess honey for you and 2) they are unable to operate under normal conditions with laying capacity put on hold. Your bees may require your help! It may do you well to consider feeding your bees honey or sugar water.

Beekeeping Business Solutions
Another vital point with all the rain is that queen bees mate in flight. If the queen can’t fly for up to a week after emerging she can remain infertile and useless. If you are splitting colonies and or conducting queen rearing be sure to try provide a mating nuc.  

Beginner beekeepers not able to get to our JHB venue due to costs or timing would benefit best from ordering the Beekeeping Course DVD via post. We also hope to list the Beekeeping DVD in some retail stores within a few months. 

  As a final addition to the Beekeeping Course DVD we recommend beginner beekeepers take advantage of the combined experience of having a 3-hour DVD PLUS a Copy of the Beekeeping in South Africa bee book with over 280 pages of specialised Beekeeper knowledge! Watch this space! 
Contact us
082 359 8787 
086 50 33 055