Subject: Beekeeping Updates & SABC 1 show


Bee News
March Bee Course & SABC TV 

We are Full for the FEB Bee Course! 
January is over! Can you believe it? 

We have had an enquiry from a company in Balfour for a beekeeper to assist with bee removals. Please contact me @ in order to get more info regarding this opportunity!
Please note that the FEB Bee Course is FULL and we can no longer accommodate learners on the day. The next bee course is now the 17th March.    

Bee course
Honey Extractor 20-frame Experts's advice
It's all very exciting. 

There have been some big moves in the beekeeping industry over the last year with large numbers of beginners wanting to go green and keep their own bees on smallholdings and plots.

Government and farmers are also seeing the benefit of increasing the yield of agricultural crops for seed and fruit set!

The Beekeeping In South Africa book includes special focus on the bee factor in pollination of plants, crops and trees! It also provides an indepth pollination table that stipulates the quality of nectar and pollen sources for many different plants and crops across the country. * Price R280 excl. p&p

We will be on SABC 1 on the 9th FEB @ 18h00 on Seskhona Magazine Show where we took DJ Clue and presenter to our Apiary in Midrand and got them to interact with our bees and harvest & filter some honey fresh from nature's tap!

Easy Buzzing bee course 17th March 2012
Easy Buzzing Bee course for beginners is running again on the 17th March near Lanseria airport!

Visit the Bee course section on our website for further details.

If you dont have a bee suit you can rent one from us for R100 on the day. There are at least 90 minutes of practical work with bees where you will open a working bee hive and conduct a full inspection. 

Focus on the crops flowering now to enhance your honey harvest yield. Learn more on our bee course!
Beekeeping Business Solutions P.S. - Looking for Blue Gum honey in BULK! Please email
Beginner beekeeping course will be running again on 17 March 2012.

It's a full day of beginner beekeeping training with at least 90 minutes of REAL Bee work as you open a working bee hive and inspect for pests, honey and the queen bee!

Feel free to forward this email to a friend!
  We offer start up kits for beginner beekeepers.

Purchase any of the items below separately or as a starter kit:

Bee hives
Bee suits - detachable veil
Hive tool
Bee smoker
Bee gloves | frame wire
queen excluders
  If you want to start beekeeping now you have an excellent opportunity in the northern part of the country with the citurs & gum trees again in nectar flow now!

Feed your existing colonies sugar water in leak proof freezer bags! But remember to give them a 5 day break inbetween.
Contact us
082 359 8787
10am - 16h00 Mon - Fri weekdays only!
086 50 33 0 55

Bee Course DVD video training